View Full Version : Neuro appointment Tuesday freaking out

08-04-17, 00:11
Okay so, for starters i am a 21 year old female. I am currently technically "healthy". I have been having severe health anxiety for months. Starting last June. I had a panic attack and got super attached to the fact that I was definitely dying. Since I have acquired some extremely exciting symptoms that just won't seem to go away. My PCP told me to see a neuro but thinks I am fine. As much as I want to beleive her, of course I still worry. I started taking Effexor about 2 weeks ago and feel like I am mentally a lot more rational but still have these physical symptoms I can't let go. I have a Neuro appt on Tuesday and this is what I will bring to him

-constantly twitching. Everywhere.
-a creeping sensation that seems to take over the right side of my face. Almost like a cold chill without the cold. Goes from the back of my head to the front of my face down my right arm.
-electric like shocks on my ankles. (Both sides)
- my finger tips in my right hand will feel like one single nerve is just off. Not quite buzzing but similar I guess. I also get this same feeling on the back of my left calf.

I should mention also that I am a florist so I work with my hands all day, and stand on my feet . I do notice the creepy head feeling mostly while I'm at work. So MAYBE it has to do with the way my neck is positioned? Hopefully. I do beleive to an extent that this is Anxiety related. But I also know I will never get over it untill someone tells me that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm of course worried I have ms. Go figure. I just want some input on this. If anyone can help ease my mind at all that would be so great :)

08-04-17, 00:32
This is not some disease or cancer at all. You are probably having some back or nerve issues with the joints, ligaments, or muscle spasms. If it was something bad your doctor would of told you something might be up. I would bet a lot of money that it is your anxiety cuz my anxiety makes every symptom I have two times worse and then it also makes me think every little other problem, twitch or pain is something bad. Your young and healthy and nothing is wrong

08-04-17, 02:57
Thank you!!! I am nervous but I'm trying to be realistic

08-04-17, 04:48
Yeah it's hard being realistic with anxiety. I have it too. If it was something sinister you would have a lot worse and noticeable sysmptoms. Your doctor probably knows you have nothing and is sending you to a neuro just ease your mind. I have done so much research on health problems I should be a doctor hahaha.

08-04-17, 13:17
I have pretty much all the same symptoms as you. Especially the face one, on the left side of my face. Slight loss of sensation in my left hand. Buzzing in my left foot. Twitching eye.

It's either all anxiety related or thyroid related in my case as I have hypothyroidism.

Clear MRI but I'm going back to see the neurologist in about 38 weeks (terrible waiting time ��)
For peace of mind.

It's really worrying and I totally understand!

But I bet you'll be fine. Keep us updated as to how you get on!

08-04-17, 14:38
This is classic BFS. I used to think I was drooling out of my mouth, cause I had a cold spot on the corner of it. Twitch head to toe, buzzing sensations, jerks, jolts, zaps, stabbing pain etc

Weird your doctor sent you to a neuro. Did he perform a clinical exam and check your reflexes?

08-04-17, 18:15
Yes... My doctor has done everything she could but I just am hung up on it so she told me if I wanted peace of mind I should go to a neuro. It's comforting though hearing this from everyone! Thank you for your reply. I will keep posted.

08-04-17, 20:42
Good luck with it all, ive had simiar for nearly 6 years. So far slight spacicity leftside but clear mri and eeg :/

10-04-17, 16:19
As the day gets closer I am growing more and more anxious ��. So upset I'm letting myself get this worked up. It's like I know im probably fine; but that .01% chance that I'm not has me losing my shit! It's like all the symptoms I've worked so hard to forget are just coming back. So so so worried I have some crazy disease. Or that the neuro is going to be mad I'm wasting his time. Ugh.

10-04-17, 16:57
Just keep visualising how great you'll feel when they tell you everything is fine.

My appointment is 35 weeks away :(

10-04-17, 17:00
Your anxiety is manifesting into physical symptoms. I would seek advise from your doctor on the anxiety.

12-04-17, 00:09
So my appointment went fine. The doc said he is so sure there is nothing wrong medically but said to prove it he wanted to do tests. I didn't mention my actual worries to him because I didn't want him to think I just imagined all of it, and even without mentioning my fear of ms he said "no signs of a neurological disease. No multiple sclerosis" lol I waited almost a year to hear someone say that as simple as it sounds. He even said benign fasculation syndrome. Which shocked me because I'm the only person I've ever met in real life that has ever said that word . I feel a lot better. Having an EMG and blood work done soon just to be 100%

12-04-17, 00:19
Good news. I knew it was BFS. Your symptoms sound exactly like mine.

15-04-17, 16:53
I have exactly that drooling symptom someone was talking about. Right below my lower lip on the left side, and sometimes on my chin on the left side, it feels cold and wet. I'm so scared that it's a tumor or MS or something. I'm going to make an appointment with a neurologist. But everytime that sensation happens I panic. I've never heard of BFS before now.