View Full Version : Anxiety from leaving comfort zone and new opportunities

08-04-17, 00:35
Hi everyone, i'm wondering if anyone could offer some tips or advice on how to deal with my recent bout of anxiety.

To cut an incredibly long story short, i've been working in retail since last october when i was hired as a christmas temp, and since then have been hired by the company properly. I'm enjoying my job though i haven't been trained as much as i should have due to a mess up after i was hired properly which meant i didn't get an authorisation number to use the tills so i spent most of my time out on the shop floor interacting with customers. Fast forward to now and only last month did i receive my number to use the tills and have been steadily training on them ( I only get about a day or so of work a week due to hours etc) so it's been a bit slow.

Now the company i work for are sending me off to a convention that spans 6 days where i'll be working the tills almost non stop and doing wayyy more hours than i'm used to. I usually do about 4/8 a week and in this convention i'll be doing 51.5 hours of work, quite the increase! my main issue is i don't feel nearly as ready as i should and i can't shake the feeling i'm going to mess up, embarrass myself and my store at the same time. I'll be working alongside people I've never met before, and while others would say this is a great opportunity all i can think is how cripplingly scary it's going to be and i'm struggling to deal with it.

tl;dr version, how can i deal with being put out my comfort zone and the anxiety that comes with it?

Thank you for reading even though it's a bit of a ramble but i've not really had anyone to talk to this about.

08-04-17, 11:49
Hi Aleman,

I have been living with G.A.D since 2005, and most recently I've started a blog. within here you see how I've managed mine:
