View Full Version : Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

08-04-17, 00:39
So here's a pretty different condition. I recently started having panic attacks and have been trying to pinpoint a certain familiar anxious feeling that I've recently been getting. I was searching online & came across a condition called Alice in wonderland syndrome which is basically a combination of distortion in vision, sound and touch that usually happens in childhood and goes away when older.

This triggered a flashback as I used to get these episode at night time where things would seem really close or further away than they actually were along with things feeling really thick or thin and time moving slow or fast. This was a pretty distressing feeling which definitely caused some panic but it hasn't happened since I was a child & now I only get small flashbacks instead of the actual feeling.

Apparently it's rare but I've come across many posts online with people experiencing the same thing. It's not the complete cause of my anxiety but it's definitely a contributor. I'm curious to see if anyone has experienced anything close to this? I know it probably sounds a bit crazy :D

08-04-17, 08:59
Hi! I can totally relate to you. I have had this like 4 times in total in my life and they were often when I had my migraine attacks. I've heard it is possible to have it due to migraine.
It often came to me when I went asleep. I usually dreamed weird racing thoughts and then woke up, feeling completely weird, like you explained. I literary felt like crazy and it often triggered a panic attack for me. It would pass after like 2-3 minutes, but I still remeber the frustratig feeling of touching something large and feeling like you're touching a really thin straw.
From what I gathered, it's some kinda brain neuror error but it's not really harmful. Thought really weird.

08-04-17, 15:53
I saw that it could be associated with migraines too, and I have them from time to time. It's comforting knowing I can find someone who relates though and I agree it certainly is strange.