View Full Version : Which Self Help Courses/Books Would You Recommend?

28-04-07, 12:05
There are so many out there, Linden Method seems popular, what books/courses would you recommend and do they actually work or are they just out to scam your money?

28-04-07, 20:05
Hi Dave,

There are many useful books out there and I've read quite a few! I would recommend David Burns "Feeling Good" and Robert Leahy's "The Worry Cure" as the most informative and helpful for me. Claire Weekes is also well-known and esteemed. All of these three were written by psychiatrists/psychologists so are certainly trustworthy. There is a recommended reading section on here at the bottom of the main menu bar. I would be cautious when paying for courses-check they are properly accredited and run by a qualified professional-have a look at the British association for behavioural and cognitive therapies - www.babcp.org.uk (http://www.babcp.org.uk).
Good luck!

28-04-07, 20:29
I'd really reccomend "CBT for dummies" it's incredibly well written and has a sense of humor, it has worksheets etc to complete and is really excellent!

28-04-07, 21:43

I can really recommend Paul Gilbert's book 'Defeating Depression' it has a CBT approach to depression, stress and anxiety. It looks a bit of a tough read but once you get into it I found it really useful.

Hope this helps.

Nic x

28-04-07, 22:27
Hi Dave, there is indeed a vast amount of books etc available. I would be very wary of any of those books/supplements/courses that you see advertised on the net that promise a 'guaranteed' cure to your problems. The Linden Method is one of these, it is basically just a load of advice from many other sources being sold as a 'cure all' and it is incredibly expensive.

At the moment I am doing a free online CBT course that is provided by the site
http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/. I am not far into the course but I am finding it good so far.

Try your local library for books first as you can browse through them there at your leisure.



29-04-07, 00:02
Definately 'Self-help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes, that has to be the classic for anyone!!

I also like 'Present moment awareness' by Shannon Duncan and also Paul Mckenna's 'Change your life in 7 days' which I am just nearing the end of.

Also what about 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' by Susan Jeffers!!

Lol I have a whole wadge of books and could make a mammoth list really!!

One thing I would suggest is going on Amazon and reading the reviews of the books you like the look of and see if that helps you too!

Piglet :flowers:

29-04-07, 05:59

I have bought many, many books over the years, but never have I read a book written by a more understanding person that Dr Claire Weekes. Her many books are so inspiring, she knows every symptom, every trick that your mind can play on you. She also does tapes/cd's. When I try to go out i am playing her tapes on my personal sterio, helps me a lot. She's brilliant. Couldn't recommend any of the other books that I have.


29-04-07, 07:50
I also have a cupboard full of books which I have read hoping that they could offer me the "cure", but unfortunately they never did :blush:

You can get as much, if not more help,reading and reading again,the posts on here! Personal experiences are always better written as they come from the heart.

Also, finding a counsellor that you "click" with is a god send :D
