View Full Version : Strange response to a normally safe activity

Wonder city
08-04-17, 00:41
Hi all. I didn't know what to write in the title, and what I have written sounds a bit odd, but this is the situation.

I had a fairly average day as far as my anxiety symptoms are concerned. For me that would mean some shakes, some palpitations, some random body aches and pains. The odd shot of fear, panic and tiredness. It was ok. I'm kind of getting used to living with it even though I loathe it. Anyway, as it's the weekend, my girlfriend and I thought we would do dinner and a movie. dinner was good. Pretty average, but nice. Then the movie. It was a bit of a jumpy scary one. I'm not really bothered by those types of films normally, and I wasn't tonight, at least I wasn't in my rational thoughts. There's a part in this film when it all goes bad and gets loud and scary and my body went into overload. Big and very obvious heart palpitations and shakes. The type of shakes which make it hard to speak. That was 4 hours ago now and it won't quit.

I guess I find it strange as it's not the normal pattern. Even now I don't mentally feel worried or anxious. It's purely physical which hasn't happened for me before.

Do any of you have this? It's worried me a bit as I sort of had the idea that if I could become mentally stronger I could get better at coping with the anxiety but this was just loud noises and scary pictures. No mental traumas.

Urgh. Feels a bit one step forward, three steps back.