View Full Version : How do you learn to trust the doctor?

08-04-17, 06:07
3 weeks ago I noticed a lump on my labia. I figured "meh, it'll go down, no worries" (BREAKTHROUGH!!!).

However, 3 weeks later and it's still here. So I made an appt with my OBGYN this week. He looked at it, felt it, took the time to examine it, and came to the conclusion that it is some kind of cyst in the tissue (not on the surface), and definitely NOT cancer or anything serious.

I've never had anything like this before. My husband and I have been married 8 years and just got a full spectrum STD test (required because we're adopting) from the health department. It's a very small "cyst" - about 5mm, but it feels firm/hard, and attached to the tissue. The doctor said he can move it easily (whatever that means, because it's definitely attached to tissue around it) and only wants to remove it if it's causing pain during sex, walking, sitting, ect (which it doesn't).

Why can't I trust his opinion? How does he KNOW it's not cancer? Ugh. I was doing so well:weep:

08-04-17, 07:22
How does he KNOW it's not cancer?

Half a decade and more of medical school. However many years of experience in practice.

08-04-17, 19:10
I have the same problem, I cant accept the fact that what i found on my neck is not lymph node, despite ultra sound and 4 GPs opinions. I look at my neck, touch it and cant believe :-( I wish someone could just post here simple solution how to believe your docs

08-04-17, 19:22
It's all down to trust and your relationship with you dr is he/she caring, do they take the time to reassure you and examine you do they listen etc? You will be fine both of you will move on from this :) Cheers

08-04-17, 19:25
3 weeks ago I noticed a lump on my labia. I figured "meh, it'll go down, no worries" (BREAKTHROUGH!!!).

However, 3 weeks later and it's still here. So I made an appt with my OBGYN this week. He looked at it, felt it, took the time to examine it, and came to the conclusion that it is some kind of cyst in the tissue (not on the surface), and definitely NOT cancer or anything serious.

I've never had anything like this before. My husband and I have been married 8 years and just got a full spectrum STD test (required because we're adopting) from the health department. It's a very small "cyst" - about 5mm, but it feels firm/hard, and attached to the tissue. The doctor said he can move it easily (whatever that means, because it's definitely attached to tissue around it) and only wants to remove it if it's causing pain during sex, walking, sitting, ect (which it doesn't).

Why can't I trust his opinion? How does he KNOW it's not cancer? Ugh. I was doing so well:weep:

I've got something similar, about the size of a b.b... but it is around the site of a labia piercing I had when I was young. I always assumed it was scar tissue caused by this piercing.

If you truly feel you can't trust your doctor's opinion, then perhaps seek a second opinion (but would you trust that?) or better yet ask your doctor about the possibility of removing and biopsying this "cyst".

I think you should trust his opinion, however, because it seems to me that I have heard it's possible and even fairly common to get cysts on those parts, and what's more I don't believe that is how cancer of the female parts presents itself. Cancer of the vulva is a real thing, but it does not present as a lump, it presents more like whitish or discolored patches on the skin, I believe. And in any event, it's pretty rare.

Best wishes.

Edit: yep, just did a quick google search. Google "Bartholin's abscess or cyst". That sounds like what you describe.
Then google "vulva cancer". Nothing like what you describe.
It's not cancer, so try and relax.

08-04-17, 21:13
Cysts around this area are very common because of the glands that produce lubrication, they can get blocked producing a little cyst. I have had this in the past. with me the cyst will stay same for up to a year then one day it will turn into a little boil and come to a head and burst and go away. In others they just have the hard little cyst and nothing else happens.

Do check it from time to time to make sure its not growing but don't constantly prod and poke or you can inflame it and more likely to turn into a boil!

17-02-18, 04:52
Do you have any followup information on this? I have the same thing you describe and have managed to convince myself I'm dying from sarcoma.

17-02-18, 13:35
Hi Sammy has dr Google played a part n convincing you are dying? Only a qualified dr will tell you what's going on so would suggest making a appointment with your dr and also talk about your HA which is the main cause and will need to be dealt with :) let us know how you get ATB

19-02-18, 17:57
Thank you bigboyuk :) I have seen a doctor and had an ultrasound but the doctor said the ultrasound was unclear and they still don't know what it is. I have to wait before I see her again but the suspense is killing me all thanks to Dr. Google

19-02-18, 20:34
You are welcome :) I Have a big lump on my right leg I was sent for a Ultra sound scan that there was a area that didn't look right so just to be sure they sent me for a MRI scan and it was a fatty benign tissue nothing more did I trust the drs etc yes and as for dr Google steer well clear it will only make your anxiety worse it just isn't worth going down that route! ATB

19-02-18, 22:38
When you figure it out, would you kindly let me know? I'm in this boat myself right now. Got negative results for a test with a high rate of false negatives and I simply can't believe they, and my doctor, are right. :(

19-02-18, 23:52
Like countrygirl, I occasionally get these, too, and they take ages to go away. The first one did make me freak out! Now they are just annoying.