View Full Version : weak legs? please help

08-04-17, 09:39
Just had symptom I never had before. Very weak feeling in legs, felt as though they would buckle. Feel sick with this and I think I m breathing faster. Its very scary, like I,m going to drop. Had anxiety for years but don't remember this. I often get leg symptoms like tingling, toe cramps etc, so I,m scared it's something that is getting worse.

Every day for the past week or so I,ve been having short spells of feeling very suddenly drained and weak, like a wave of severe weakness coming over me , with a terrible feeling of doom. it's hard to describe how bad it feels, like I,m just going to die. I feel like no one really understands how bad it is. I tell my husband and family and they say its because I,m " worked up", but I don't feel worked up until it happens. I,ve had this one before but not as frequently.

08-04-17, 17:31
I've had weak jelly legs/knees a lot. Mine feel weak but aren't actually weak. Hits me once a week or so.

09-04-17, 11:31
Thanks for the reply Timb. I,ve heard about the jelly legs feeling but never had it ( until now?) which is strange since I,ve had so many symptoms over the years. It makes me worry that things are getting worse. In fact my other leg symptoms only started a year ago. Its a beautiful day here and I would love to go outside for a few minutes. I will try to relax a bit then attempt it.
Has anyone here ever fallen or had their legs collapse because of this?
Tbh I,m feeling really desperate at the moment, I,ve not had more than the odd few days where symptoms don't affect me physically and emotionally for years . There is no lasting improvement. But that's just me, I know lots of people do get better.
Can,t stop feeling guilty that I don't.
Best wishes

09-04-17, 11:50
I could've written your first post!

I was getting tingly legs now I get weak legs. But they move just fine. But I too feel sick and anxious when it comes on.

And the short spells of sudden weakness have plagued me for years with no real answers. You're right, no body could understand how awful it feels. It feels like I'm about to drop dead. I get very scared with it. If I can't calm down the weakness turns into a panic attack. I've sought answers everywhere and somebody said its a dumping of stress hormones and adrenaline can have a weakening effect. When you feel it do you want to go to sleep? I can't. I can't even nap to escape this horribleness. I've always had to just wait it out. It used to come with awful symptoms like chest pressure and head pressure. i actually found that going for a walk or jog helps this feeling. I read something where it was described as "tense-tiredness" a highly unpleasant state. It's when tension is high but energy is low. It's one of the worst symptoms I get because it comes out of nowhere. I just consider it another form of panic attack.

11-04-17, 07:36
Thank for the reply Dita. No I don't feel sleepy with it, I feel agitated and restless but very weak, if that makes sense. All my worst symptoms are back now . Take care

11-04-17, 11:39
Hi there

The guru Claire Weekes talks about weak legs in one of her recordings. She says its not a true organic weakness, its the effect if adrenaline. Your legs are actually fine, its just a horrid feeling.

This will seem weird, but next time, will them to become even weaker. When they don't, it will lessen your fear of those symptoms.


11-04-17, 23:30
Thanks Akb, I will try that. Best wishes.

12-04-17, 00:03
I normally have this in the morning when I wake up. It feels like they're gonna buckle underneath me! Normally after walking around a little it seems to go away

12-04-17, 05:31
The conditions of leg weakness might be the indicators for other issues which could be fatal and life-threatening. In case, you are caught up with such symptoms as below, it is recommended to immediately seek professional medical attention.
And I have some effective methods to strengthen weak legs for you:
Massage is an effective method for promoting nutrient circulation toward weak muscles. Thus it can efficiently alleviate swelling and inflammation as well as pain. In addition, it can help get rid of stress and anxiety.
You can use essential oil like coconut oil, tea tree oil,... to massage for the better result.
- there are exercises you should do such as resistance hamstring curls, resistance band knee extension, adductor squeeze, hip abduction side lying, lunges, Swiss ball squats, hamstring strengthening, straight leg raise, quad press and heel slide. Practice one of these exercises for 3 to 4 times per week and you will need to stop in case those exercises make you incur pain.
- A herb called horsetail is great at building strength for muscles as well. You just need to take a teaspoon of fresh herb into some boiling water. After steeping for 5 minutes, have it strained and add some honey before consuming for couples of time per day. Please note that do not apply this remedy for more than 2 weeks per treatment period.