View Full Version : Any tips for coping with anxiety (not panic) attacks?

08-04-17, 10:08
Hi there

I'm sure this topic has been discussed
many times but I'm in a bad situation and don't have the strength to read back over old threads. If anyone could help me out I'd be grateful. My specific symptoms are sweating, nausea and churning stomach. I know you need to relax into them and accept but am still having difficulty.



08-04-17, 22:43
I find it helps to focus on my breathing, sit or lie down & pay attention to each breath, slowly in through the nose & exhale the mouth just paying attention to that & nothing else. xx

08-04-17, 23:00
I think anxiety attacks are very similar to panic attacks - for me anxiety attacks can last for days at a time though and while they don't develop into full blown panic attacks, the synptoms are very similar.

For me, breathing is key. If I really focus on my breathing and take the time to breath in and out slowly it really helps me take control back - even temporarily.

I also have a cd I listen to - it has breathing exercises and relaxation techniquea and one of the trchniques is to lie and tense each area of the body then relax it. For example, tense my fists for a few seconds then relax, tense my stomach then relax and so on.

09-04-17, 01:11
All depends on the trigger of your anxiety if you dont know its a little harder. For me its to know your not the first or last person to experience this most likely it has happened to you before and your still here. Alot of times you need reassurancen that your going to be ok. Especially if it has happened before. What is your fear! Death, disease, think about it are they logical or illogical assumptions from your mind.

09-04-17, 12:00
I get a notepad and write out every thing that comes to mind because if you just let it all out on paper, whatever's making you anxious will show itself. Then I write out everything I'm feeling physically and I don't know how, but it makes the feelings less intense. When they're on paper you can start to rationalise.

Breathing is really the key, with the exhale being longer than the inhale. Exhaling has the calming effect on the nervous system.

My other go-to thing is get a cup of tea. Hold it, sip it slowly, savour it. Focus on the cup, the feeling, the heat, the taste while doing my breathing exercises also. The idea is to do anything to get your mind off the symptoms.

09-04-17, 12:11
I agree with all of the above.
When you feel so weak and worn out by your symptoms it can seem almost impossible to employ coping strategies. Focusing on your breathing, taking a long slow breath in and letting it out calmly can really help, even if it just for one minute, because its usually achievable. It also focuses your mind for a short time. Once you've got the hang of it and realise the calming effect, its easier to do it , almost automatically.
Also, if you don't have a cd etc with progressive muscle relaxation exercises on, there are some on youtube which are really good. Maybe start with the shorter ones.
I am not good at using coping strategies,unfortunately, but even I have found these achievable and effective.
Best wishes .

10-04-17, 04:17
Hi everyone

Thanks for your kind comments. I am open to anything so will try out all your suggestions.


10-04-17, 04:41
Breathing is important and changing your thoughts. The physical reaction to anxiety is we don't breath properly, that is why deep breathing helps calm us down. I realized that I can talk myself into anxiety and talk myself out of an attack as well. We are in control, not the anxiety. You can get through this!

11-04-17, 04:38
Thanks snowghost !