View Full Version : Freaked out by my constantly aching body and chatting to a friend...

08-04-17, 11:13

For about a year now I feel like Ive been run over when i wake up.

All my joints feel swollen, from my toes to my fingers, I have backache, neckache, sore muscles my back cracks with movement.

I have a lot of headaches, but had a normal CT scan.

If I sit down and relax, it ll starts over again.

My CRP was 20 a year ago and now it is 9. It should be under 5.

Ive had blood tests for autoimmune problems - negative.

I must say, the lower my CRP is getting - the more my body hurts.

Now for the freaking out part. I spoke to my friend yesterday and she told me her friend has terminal cancer. She had backache that didnt get better, went for physio, didnt improve. Went for a scan and she has breast cancer that has spread to her bones and she now has terminal cancer.

My daughter went for a physio appointment yesterday and I cheekily asked the lady about my aches - she told me to ask to be referred to a rheumatologist. I have an appointment with my GP next week but feel I will be blown off as a hypercondriac. I always tell the GP I recognise I have severe health anxiety but feel they don't believe my symptoms.

What should I do if he wont refer me?


08-04-17, 12:14
What is Crp?

08-04-17, 12:20

It's a blood test for inflammation.


08-04-17, 12:27
Can you get a different doctor? Sometimes it's nice to have a fresh start with someone new. There are doctors that will write their patients off as "just anxiety" if you have shown a lot of anxious behavior before. Been there, done that.

I want to add that it's usually manageable or easily treatable things that they will tend to overlook.

08-04-17, 12:38

My appointment is with the doctor that said my CRP is high when i had really bad headaches before Christmas. I spoke to him over the phone as he was worried I had Giant-cell arteritis.

It's so frustrating.

Apparently you can have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis without positive autoimmune tests.

I have even changed GP surgery as I just felt I was getting no where.

Oh well, until next week.....:shrug:


08-04-17, 12:59

My appointment is with the doctor that said my CRP is high when i had really bad headaches before Christmas. I spoke to him over the phone as he was worried I had Giant-cell arteritis.

It's so frustrating.

Apparently you can have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis without positive autoimmune tests.

I have even changed GP surgery as I just felt I was getting no where.

Oh well, until next week.....:shrug:


Sorry! I misread that and thought you said that your GP has blown you off. I would just go in there thinking positively and hopefully your doctor will continue to help you out. I hope you are able to feel better soon!

08-04-17, 13:07

Sorry if I came across confusing.

My previous GP didnt want to know.

My new one did the autoimmune tests and said Im fine.

So I want to know why do all my muscles and joints hurt and why is my CRP high.


08-04-17, 13:41
I'm really sorry. I would just keep saying how much pain you're in and that you know your body. The doctor should send you to PT to see if you get better, and if not then they should continue looking further into it.

My question is, what are you doing about the anxiety? If you're actively showing the doctor that you're working on it, I've learned that they will listen more. Sometimes anxiety causes doctors to disregard your fears because anxiety can mimic a lot of things. If you're working on your anxiety and going to PT, and still having pain, then I'm sure the doctor would be more willing to send you to a rheumatologist.

08-04-17, 13:44

Yes, what you say makes perfect sense.

I am seeing a private psychiarist and am taking new medication. She wrote a letter to my GP recently and I'll be going back to see her next month.

Thank you for your help
