View Full Version : Terrified of war

08-04-17, 20:44
Hi all,

I've made myself sick reading about the recent conflicts today and now I'm sick to my stomach with worry that there will be another big war. I'm so scared I have vomited and I can't see straight. I don't know if I'm reading the wrong things or something but everything just looks so bad. What can I do to relieve my anxiety and can someone please help if put this into perspective for me? I'm so scared...

08-04-17, 20:59
If you're worried about a war that will directly impact you, it will never happen. Unfortunately the only thing you can do about the rest of it is to avoid the news. We have to look after our own mental health first.

09-04-17, 05:15
No one really wants a big war, we've built shared organisations aimed at preventing them e.g. UN, NATO, etc. But that didn't stop countries having their power struggles, just look at th e Cold War.

The US & Russia have been poking each other for a long time. In recent years it has been about the ME. But neither country wants a WWIII style scenario which would decimate their countries no matter who won. And no one wants a nuclear war since the world would end and how would the rich & powerful remain that way when everything they had meant nothing anymore.

Those who influence the world, like corporations, want to maintain their profits. They stand in the way of big wars now as their stocks would crash big time.

It's just the media whipping everything up to sell more papers. It's been crazy over here the last couple of years. Some of the media would have you believe post Brexit we will be as poor as we were after WWII. It's a load of BS.

11-04-17, 18:52
I heard the news today at work and now I'm seriously worried, i know the media hype things but I'm really concerned about the current US and Russia situation.

12-04-17, 00:57
I heard the news today at work and now I'm seriously worried, i know the media hype things but I'm really concerned about the current US and Russia situation.

I bet a lot of people are, Alma.

They got through the Cold War though and that was much more serious than things currently are.

It's the like of North Korea that make you wonder for the future too.

12-04-17, 03:41
Me too. I already had one son in the military during wartime, and he ended up being diagnosed with schizophrenia (yeah, I know, correlation doesn't equal causation and all that, but still...).
The idea of more global conflict makes me fear for my boys. Not so much for myself.
I got off Facebook and other social media awhile back, for a variety of reasons but mainly because I want to avoid political news and news of world events.
Or at least, I don't care to be bombarded by it. If i want to know what's going on, I'd rather seek out news, rather than be ambushed by it when all I really want to do is look at the new baby pictures my friend posted, or check out an old flame's relationship status.

12-04-17, 03:51
Me too. I already had one son in the military during wartime, and he ended up being diagnosed with schizophrenia (yeah, I know, correlation doesn't equal causation and all that, but still...).
The idea of more global conflict makes me fear for my boys. Not so much for myself.
I got off Facebook and other social media awhile back, for a variety of reasons but mainly because I want to avoid political news and news of world events.
Or at least, I don't care to be bombarded by it. If i want to know what's going on, I'd rather seek out news, rather than be ambushed by it when all I really want to do is look at the new baby pictures my friend posted, or check out an old flame's relationship status.

That's a good way to look at how you use the news. I spent a load of time watching the political discussions on forums over Brexit & Trump and it seemed very obsessive to me. I gave up. It was just the media's constant opinion pieces driving most things.

How much is really news and how is it media types (and experts) riding a gravy train to shape the news because nothing has changed? I think it's been worse in recent years.

You are closer to it than many, it's bound to bring you more worries. Loved ones of service men & women have this and terrorism to deal with in their minds. Somehow you must have to learn how to accept it comes with having a partner or child who wants to stand up & bravery defend us all but I have no experience of how it affects you as those in my family who served were all the older generations.

12-04-17, 15:28
Panicpro I have worried myself ill on world events before, lost many nights sleep. I honestly think the best thing is to not watch the news, read the papers, etc. Give yourself a break from it, my husband used to get frustarted with me asking why I worry about things you cannot change, if only it was that simple! It was the only way I could manage but it helped me cope even though I was still worried it moved to the back of my mind. There are alot of angry words at the moment but the way the media reports it it can be difficult to interpret what is threatening & what is actually bluster, intended for home audience consumption. Hope you are ok xx

12-04-17, 15:55
I live in the states. I remember as a kid our society was so concerned about Russia that our schools were even bomb shelters! Now that I'm an adult we have ISIS and 9/11. My room mate wakes up to the news, and watches 3 hours of it every evening. I don't get sucked into it. It is depressing. If you watch the news and the internet, the spokes person over emphasize every word they speak, it's all drama and about getting ratings. Stop watching the news if upsets you. The only thing I want to know about is the weather!

I honestly think the world powers are to smart to start WWWIII. We have learned from our mistakes.

13-04-17, 17:02
I bet a lot of people are, Alma.

They got through the Cold War though and that was much more serious than things currently are.

It's the like of North Korea that make you wonder for the future too.

It is scary but like you say Terry the cold war was more of a worrying time. seems that every few months there are alarming headlines about a certain country, i suppose if I think back to the 1980's when I was a child the threat of war was still there, maybe it's due to the Internet and the constant streaming of news that we are just more aware nowadays.

13-04-17, 23:39
Yeah, I think you're right there, Alma. The news was so limited back then and maybe everyone was more likely to just get on with life as there was a gap between the stories whereas no it's endless bombardment, much of which is speculation.

The media bias doesn't help either. Some papers seem to stoke things up.

The Cold War was when I was young but I can remember in high school being taught about nuclear attack. It was bizarre but much more so looking back now.