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View Full Version : Does anybody have experience with lipomas?

08-04-17, 21:41
Back in novemeber i notices a small hard bump/lump on my upper back just right of my spine. Fast forward to now ive had the lump examined by several doctors who have all have said its a lipoma. I now darent go back to the doctors as im starting to sound like a broken record. But the pain i am is umbareable its all round my shoulder bust and arm on the right side and all radiates from this lump the pain isnt all in my head as i do go a few weeks here and there without it but when the pain starts its agony and my anxiety goes through the roof my main worry is breast cancer that has spread to bones and spine cancer.

08-04-17, 21:45
I had one on my rib years ago, completely freaked me out. Went to my Dr twice, the second time was for her to cut it out.

Path report confirmed it was a lipoma. I really didn't have pain with it though most likely because of it's location. I did read that depending on where they are they can be painful.

Maybe have it removed do to the discomfort it's causing you?

08-04-17, 22:09
Hiya, thanks for your reply i just dnt understand how they can be so sure, i was quite calm earlia but now the oher side of my back hurts and thats how i found the lump in the 1st place. Im teying to wonder weathrr it hurts more when im due onmaybe... i am going to have to.go to the docs again tho as this just isnt right. X

08-04-17, 22:26
I actually had 2 drs tell me it was a lipoma. I didn't, well my HA didn't let me believe them.

It could be very likely that the location of your is why it hurts. I saw mine... it was even yellow like fat. lol

09-04-17, 12:08
I have one on my arm just above my elbow. There's even a little red dot directly on top of it that changes colour (dark,light,dark,light) if I happen to hit my arm. I've had it for about 11 years. Totally convinced it was cancerous I had 5 different doctors look at it, ultrasound done on it and all came back telling me it's a fatty lump. It definitely used to feel like it hurt at certain times. Kind of like a dull ache radiating all up my arm. But I've noticed it only felt like that when I wouldn't stop obsessing over it and constantly touching it.

09-04-17, 15:39
I had one on my lower back for years. It grew and began causing discomfort. I asked my doc and he decided to take it out. It was the size of an egg, was deep and attached to muscle, thus the discomfort. Sometimes they can cause some pain. If it's bothering you that much, have it removed.

Positive thoughts

10-04-17, 14:40
I had one on my ribcage for years. Thought it was cancer the entire time, even though 3 doctors felt it and said lipoma. I finally had it removed and it was a lipoma. It did hurt when I laid on it or pushed on it.

10-04-17, 17:07
Iv got one on my rib cage which iv had four years still convinced its bad now even though not really changed sometimes feels sore. Mine is where underwire of bra sits my g. P won't remove because of location

bin tenn
10-04-17, 23:33
I have five in my right arm, one in my left, one on each side near ribs, a couple in my back, two in my abdomen, a few in my right thigh and a few in the left. Most of them are only felt, not seen, but the ones in my right arm are obvious. My mom has one on her wrist. My brother just recently noticed on in his right forearm. Many of mine have been around for almost a decade now, if not longer. Some seem new, but I don't know for sure - I just happen to notice 'new' ones while scratching or similar.

---------- Post added at 17:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Also, I asked my doc about them last year. He asked "Are they growing? Are they hurting? And they ...?" The answer to all was "no", except for the fact that they seem to grow a miniscule amount over several years. He felt a few of them after that, and said "no worries, just leave them be."