View Full Version : Silly question..or is it?

28-04-07, 16:44
Hi everyone,

Is it just me, or during a panic attack, has anyone ever felt their heart beating on the right hand side? I get it quite alot and now i'm starting to panic about it incase i have some sort of heart defect.

Looking forward to your opinions!

Brandy snap
29-04-07, 02:27
I have had a feeling as if my heart is beating in my back which is very unnerving. Brandy Snap

29-04-07, 08:23
Hi, i should hope my heart is beating on the right side, that,s where it is is,nt it. I t,s not a silly question, it does feel like that your heart is jumping out of your chest.

29-04-07, 10:35
I wouldn't worry about it Blondie, I feel my heart all over the place during a panic attack, well done you though, being able to concentrate where you're heart is beating during a panic attack.

I am usually doubled up worrying were my next breath is coming from lol.

Mind u, they do say women can multitask, guys collapse in a heap during an attack, ladies have an attack while while putting lippy on and hoovering up ;)

Serious though, the heart is flushed with adrenaline during panic, and when this happens the whole heart/blood system goes into overdrive. Thats why during anxiety attacks, u feel it in your neck, tummy all over your chest and back.

A GP told me that as I asked the same question a few years back, when I was stressing about having a heart problem.



29-04-07, 11:37
Lisa it`s obvious you`re related to Dr.Who and have two hearts :D

Seriously, when that adrenaline kicks in you can feel your heart throbbing in almost any place you`d care to. How many times do I drift off to sleep with my legs throbbing with my heartbeat but I don`t think it`s moved.:)

29-04-07, 14:01
wow thanks y'all. I feel much better about that one now!!
