View Full Version : Panic attack symptoms constant

08-04-17, 23:48
Ever since my panic attack 2 years ago I've had constant panic symptoms mainly depersonalization and derealization and if I don't have that I'm worried about getting schizophrenia or some mental disorder any advice ?

09-04-17, 00:36
Oh hun, I understand the feeling of being in a constant state of anxiety/panic symptoms for a long time. Have you gone to the doctor by any chance? Any symptoms besides DP?

09-04-17, 00:55
Yah I went to my doctor the first day I woke up with this feeling and she said I've had a lot of change recently and my hormones raging because of my age my anxiety is through the roof, and I'm going to a psychiatrist and she said it's something that I'm subconsciously worried about :(

09-04-17, 00:56
Yah I went to my doctor the first day I woke up with this feeling and she said I've had a lot of change recently and my hormones raging because of my age my anxiety is through the roof, and I'm going to a psychiatrist and she said it's something that I'm subconsciously worried about :(

Have you been given any meds or any tips on how to combat your anxiety?

09-04-17, 01:13
Have you been given any meds or any tips on how to combat your anxiety?

Well my psychiatrist wants me to go on them just for a bit but not really just try meditation

09-04-17, 01:48
Well my psychiatrist wants me to go on them just for a bit but not really just try meditation

Alright. On this site you will find a lot of resources as far as meditation including mindfulness, etc. Have you tried CBT? It does help a great deal of anxiety sufferers. Do you exercise, go out, etc?

09-04-17, 01:50
Yes very active, I play junior hockey so I play 5 times a week and workout regularly, do you think what I'm going through is normal ??

09-04-17, 02:47
Yes very active, I play junior hockey so I play 5 times a week and workout regularly, do you think what I'm going through is normal ??

Absolutely. Anxiety manifests itself in many ways.

09-04-17, 03:31
Absolutely. Anxiety manifests itself in many ways.

That's what they said but thanks for the reassurance:)