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View Full Version : Ankle swelling/extreme fatigue/gasping for air in sleep = CHF?

09-04-17, 00:38
Let me start by saying that my grandmother on my dad's side died of a heart attack when she was 43. My dad had a heart attack which brought on CHF last year when he was 64.

I have been having on and off swelling of the ankles for a couple of years. It will get worse for a bit and then will go away. I haven't thought much of it. Then, I started feeling really fatigued. I could fall asleep anytime/anywhere.
This has been going on for about a year.

Recently I've been waking up feeling like I wasn't breathing. I've woken myself up gasping a couple of times as well.

I googled it and of course, Congestive Heart Failure came up.

Now I am terrified. It fits with the family history. And I just turned 40. :/

09-04-17, 01:39
Have you been to the doctor about this at all? I mean, they could always just run the tests if they seem concerned. If not, at least they will know your family history. They may just keep it on file about your family history, or they might run tests just to make sure everything is fine.

Catherine S
09-04-17, 13:04
If there's a family history of this, then as 'lost my marbles' said, the best thing would be to see your doctor. We can't know whether it's something to worry about or not, and we can't diagnose symptoms only offer support. Hope it turns out ok though...let us know yes?


09-04-17, 18:19
Ok. Terrified. I will have to try to find a way to get off of work and go to the doctor.

09-04-17, 19:07
As with the other replies and as someone with heart disease, based on your family history and symptoms, it would be prudent at this point to see a cardiologist and get a workup to see where things stand.

Positive thoughts