View Full Version : Rib cage pain?

09-04-17, 08:37
Anyone experience lower rib cage pain, bottom ribs on the sides? Feels bruised but I'm not sure I've done anything to bruise them.

HA is telling me it's bone cancer, and the swollen lymph node in my neck is a met.

Nothing hurts to touch just when I move in certain ways I notice it.

09-04-17, 12:00
Going through the same thing. It's only my left side. If I press around the ribs it hurts but my pain mostly stays around the top of the left breast/to the side of my armpit kind of.

The doctor said there isn't really an explanation for the rib pain but I've got myself convinced it's either breast cancer or bone cancer. But some days I don't feel anything at all. Surely the pain wouldn't just disappear if it was something serious?

Another doctor said it's probably just muscle pain which can radiate around the entire area.

09-04-17, 12:03
I've had those pains when I had a kidney stone. Might be just muscle related by focussing on that area and straining the muscles there.