View Full Version : Dizzy spell(s)?

09-04-17, 10:41
Hello folks, so it started a few months back when I was sitting in my stepfathers car trying to go buy myself a car. I was very anxious and suddenly it felt as though my heart had dropped, though I didn't quite feel dizzy, more like a rapid change in blood pressure. But just two days ago, I was standing in the kitchen on my phone when I felt that same feeling, but this time it felt as though the world was spinning and I almost fell. I've never felt this before and it scared the hell out of me. Now I'm thinking it's got to be something serious such as a brain tumor or heart problems. I just recently had a bit of a diet change, and I'm starting to eat a lot healthier, not to mention I quit smoking last month and am under quite a bit of stress, but nonetheless I am terrified. Any words of wisdom or similar experiences?