View Full Version : Runs of pvc

09-04-17, 16:30
Anyone get runs of pvcs that last a few minutes? I had this last night and it scared me. How can you stop them? I felt like it was every other heart beat but did not want to check my pulse because that would fuel more anxiety. Seems like I am getting this once a week.

09-04-17, 22:38
I think everyone that notices their PVCs, gets runs of them here and there. Have you addressed your concerns with your cardiologist? I'm sure you will when you get your monitor results. He can assure you that you're ok and that ectopic beats are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Some have more than others, but we all get them. A lot of people don't even know they have them. Only thing you can do about it is try and be as healthy as possible, don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs, exercise and work on your anxiety. The rest is out of your hands.

10-04-17, 15:30
Hi Kayla,

I haven't actually seen a cardiologist. My primary care (internist) doctor has been ordering this tests, which are then viewed by a cardiologist. How do you stop a run of PVC's? I took a Xanax and mine went away within a minute or two.

Could they be caused by strong emotion? By a full stomach?? I'm so scared that i'm going to go into a dangerous arrhythmia over these things. And of course I turned in my 30 day monitor already and had this run of PVC's a day or two after! I did have a run of PVC's while on the monitor, so hopefully they can tell me what exactly that was.

10-04-17, 17:39
You'll feel better when you get your results back and they give you the all clear. I've had them for 12 years, my rhythm has gone off for a few minutes many times and nothing bad has ever happened to me. They can come on from so many things. My dog got attacked at a dog park and a minute or two after everything settled, my heart went off beat for a couple of minutes. I've had a big meal and had them set off. You just have to wait it out and take a few deep breaths.

10-04-17, 20:35
Thank you, Kayla. You have been a tremendous help to me! I'm anxiously awaiting my holtor results!