View Full Version : I'm overthinking again

28-04-07, 18:37
I took my first panic attack in a long time a few days ago. i say a long time it was around a year which to me is wonderful as i used to take them every few days.
I was at work and hyperventilating severely, i could hardly move without falling over and my woek made a decidion to call an ambulance.
I felt so guilty for needing an ambulance and was so worried the paramedics would feel i was wastng there time. has anyone ever had negaive experiences form amulances/paramedics for panic attacks/hyperventilating?
I do have to see they done a wonderful job and i tink it is just me trying to over analyse etc but i am just so worried i'm viewed as a time waster.

28-04-07, 20:09
What you have to remember is, ANXIETY/PANIC is a very real and very frightening experience.. If someone called an abulance for you, then they must have been worried enough to do that, therefor did the right thing. That person may not have ever had to deal with someone having a panic attack before and may have automaticly presumed something more serious was going on, but for whatever reason, please don't feel guilty about it in the least.


take care

28-04-07, 20:24
Hi Crazy Chick

Im sure the paramedics wouldnt have given it a second thought. You where not wasting there time at all so i wouldnt worry about it.
My best friend is a Nurse at my local A&E hospital, she dreads it when shes working weekends with all the drunks. Thats what i call time wasting! I bet the paramedics where pleased to have helped you.:)


28-04-07, 22:42
Hi, if this is any help to you I work for the ambulance service and have done now for 4 years, I think you will be surpised on how many jobs that we get were its a panic attack ( anixety attack ), each of these jobs are very scarey for the patient involved, but we never look at it as a waste of time.
I have been suffering from anxiety problems for a long time myself so I know were you are coming from. But trust me dont feel bad about getting a crew out to see you im sure they did'nt mind.

Take Care Honey

Diane xx

28-04-07, 22:49
Thanks for your comments.
My work knew it was a panic attack and that the main problem was i was hyperventilating but i couldn't calm down and the first-aider couldn't calm me down so he made a decision to get me more help which i understand.
Its just since it happened i've been worried but thanks i feel better about it now. Do the ambulance service really deal with a lot of panc attacks/hyperventiating? i never thought thehy would but i suppose i've never really thought about it much.

28-04-07, 23:07
oh yes we get a fair amount, normaly the patient just wants someone to reassure them that they are ok, and its so understandable its not nice when you have an attack they are scarey. Remember they will make you feel dizzy thats because you are over breathing, also when you panic your body produces adrenelin which will increase your heart rate, none of these things can hurt you - hard to belive I know.
Hope this helps

Di x

30-04-07, 07:30
Ive called ambulance twice, thought i was going to die so didnt feel to guilty unttil i found out it was a panic attack, they do a great job and even before arriving at hospital had managed to calm me down.

03-05-07, 17:37
Thanks for your comments.
I feel a bit better about it now - phew!
Its silly as the paramedics and everyone were totally fab and although i know i take panic attacks i really did feel i could not breathe and that i was going to die or at least faint - i am also really worried about fainting and knocking myself out and my breathing was so bad i wasn't making sense and i think i gave everyone including myself a fright - argh!!

thanks everyone1

08-05-07, 12:34
Hi crazy chick.

Plaese don't think you are ever on your own with what you went through with the paramedics, they have seen it all before, this is there job, its what they do, they are there to help.

A friend of mine who suffers pa's, thought she was having a stroke, her hubby called the paramedics, my friend felt like you did, she felt that she wasted there time. I told here what I have told you. But what I put to here first and formost was, did it reasure you, she told me that even the paramedic had been off work a few months earlyer with the same symptoms.

Panic is very, very frighting, I know its hard chick, but try and put this behind you.

You take care