View Full Version : Away on holiday and my GAD is awful, help

09-04-17, 20:22
Hi everyone
This is my first post here and I'm nervous and need help
I'm away on holiday and my anxiety (GAD) is through the roof
I'm questioning whether I'll make it through tomorrow, how will I do this
I'm looking for reasons why I feel this way, I question all my actions, I'm on high alert, my tummy is in knots and I feel faint
I'm just dreading tomorrow and scared
What can I do to feel calm, to stop this and just enjoy my holiday

09-04-17, 21:33
Hi , I'm always worse the first few days of a holiday until I settle in , take a bit of time out alone to do some breathing exercises and find somthing to occupy your mind like a magazine or book , the more you concentrate on not feeling like it the more attention you give it , try not to just sit questioning it just get up an do somthing , I know it's easier said than done but I always feel worse if I avoid doing things because I'm anxous , take care , ps I've just come back of holiday and I d rather be there than home .:)