View Full Version : why wouldn't my Doctor let me get a biopsy for my lymph nodes

09-04-17, 20:34
I've posted alot about my lymph nodes, and if you want to know my situation read some of my first threads. But there's one thing in my previous threads that never really got discussed, and that's the fact my Doctor wouldn't consider letting me get a biopsy of my lymph nodes, i mean they are relatively small compared to most people, but i noticed these things going on 7 months ago and they are still there, they are small not rock hard but more rubbery in a way and i can move them some. They haven't grown that i can notice and they still bother me because Google said ots cancer lol. But anyway i just don't want to be missing something here, ive seen 3 doctor's and all saod they appear normal except the third doctor he admitted he didn't know alot about lymph nodes but from his experience they don't seem abnormal or too big but he gave me a referral to a ent because he knew i was worried about them. The ent appointment is a ways off since it wasn't urgent and my insurance situation limits how fast i can get these appointments. So what do you think I should do? Should i leave these nodes alone and move on with my life or should i continue to try tomyst answers. Im just tired of worrying. I wake up worrying and i go to sleep worrying its literally ruining my life and i can't even take care of my responsibilities because i can't stay focused.

09-04-17, 21:36
OK... some straight up truth here...

The simple answer and reason why is because there's NOTHING TO BIOPSY! I had Head and Neck cancer. I had nodes you could see just looking at me. I had something to biopsy! YOU DON'T! The sooner you come to terms with that and get treatment for your anxiety, the sooner you'll start to actually live your life again.

Positive thoughts

09-04-17, 21:41
"They are relatively small"

I've read you said they aren't even a centimetre. Why would your doc biposy that? I don't even think anyone could get a needle into something that tiny.

C'mon friend, they aren't even a centimetre! It's hypocritical coming from me but please, just enjoy your life. Life is stressful enough without you adding stress on yourself about something you have no reason to stress about since you've recieved the all clear.

Get some help and live your life.

10-04-17, 01:30
Go to a psychologist, you need help for your hypochondriasis.

10-04-17, 01:40
I have a couple lymph nodes that have been raised for, gosh, 12 years or more. My doc says they're fine and if they were harmful I think I'd know by now.

Have you spoken to your doc about your anxiety? I've been where you're at and it's not a good place to be, even a worse place to stay. I still have blips but thankfully I got help for my anxiety and depression and am doing much better. You could too. :)

10-04-17, 03:42
There's nothing really to biopsy. If it was anything to worry about they would have grown a lot more in these past months. Especially after 7 months.

I've had three slightly activated lymph nodes in my armpits since October 2015. They were nothing and are still there.

10-04-17, 03:52
I agree with the other posters. You have seen three physicians, the nodes are small, there is nothing to biopsy. You should talk to your doctor about getting help with the anxiety. Until you get control of your racing thoughts, you will waste a lot of time and money trying to find a problem that isn't there.

10-04-17, 03:59
In the UK our GP's act as gatekeepers to services that they believe we need to be referred to. So, if you asked this question over here the answer would simply be that you had been assessed and the GP saw no reason for such a referral.

10-04-17, 07:58
I have the same problem, cant believe docs about my lymph nodes and fearing the worst. It's a bit comfroting that's not only my problem. I truly want to believe I'm fine but when i look at mirror or touch it, any reassurence fails.

12-04-17, 07:22
You hear horror stories online where people seen the primary care physician who missed a cancer diagnoses where they only found out because they went to a specialist and paid out of pocket for some tests because they didn't get a referral. I hate worrying this is a nightmare

12-04-17, 08:35
The reason is in his expert opinion there's no need to have one.

12-04-17, 12:59
And I promise you those "horror stories" were actual large lymph nodes that the doctors brushed off because they were either young or carried no symptoms. A girl I know was misdiagnosed but her lymph node was LITERALLY THE SIZE OF A BASEBALL.

Yours are essentially normal.

13-04-17, 17:12
Hi didn't you get a ultra sound? If there was worries you would of been told. Remember my post. 500-800 lymph nodes in the body. Ofc you can feel them if you're thin. If you've had a ultra sound stop worrying. What if you get to 80 years old and all you've done is worry for no reason? Hodgkins is very treatable(doctor told my nan if you were gonna get one it's the best to get) zxxx

13-04-17, 17:37
Thanks everyone. I hate to sound crazy but this is something that weighs on my mind all day. I understand normal lymph nodes can be palpable, but mine are very palpable like I dont even have to press in much at all to feel the small lump under the skin. Maybe if i stop poking them for a couple of months they may just shrink. Well thanks again

13-04-17, 17:59
It's a horrible cycle and a lot of people have been where you are - myself included. I can even see mine stick out of my neck if I bend my neck to my shoulder - yet still normal.

It'll take time but don't let that defer you from focusing on treating your anxiety over them.

13-04-17, 18:13
I can even see mine stick out of my neck if I bend my neck to my shoulder - yet still normal.

Isn't that the position a doctor askes you to bend into so they can feel that area?

There is an interesting guide that shows how doctors manipulate the patient's position to make it easier for them to check their lymph nodes. I've seen poster's on here even show they are doing this inline with that guide in certain positions and I often wonder how much of this is due to assuming an examination position therefore making them appear slightly larger but they don't realise it and assume they are larger?

13-04-17, 18:32
7 months of torturing yourself. When you gonna decide to see a therapist or take some anti-anxiety meds?

13-04-17, 18:43
I don't understand why you insist on looking online and ready "horror" stories. You say this is ruining your life and you hate worrying about this "nightmare."

Why don't you go get help for your anxiety?

13-04-17, 23:08
I've made posts on this. All of this! Exactly what you're going through.

I get it, but someone told me that those horror stories of misdiagnosis are few and far between and the reason people write them up is because it's such a rare occurrence.