View Full Version : Heart beats weird when taking a deep breath after exercise

09-04-17, 22:01
So this is a very specific situation in which I found myself in today.

I did some pretty vigorous exercise which was also pretty exciting, so I got my heart rate up pretty high over the course of around 2 hours.

Then I realised that after this bout exercise my heart rate stayed up for about 100 bpm for a while, which I'm sure is normal.

I noticed then that during that time with an elevated resting heart rate, that whenever I would take a really deep breath, my heart would speed up a bit on inhale and slow down a LOT on exhale.

I know that this is pretty normal as well, it's called Sinus Arrythmia and is mostly not an indicator a bad heart. Sometimes even the opposite.

Anyway, but this time, taking a deep breath would cause weirdly timed beats on the exhale. So during inhale, heart rate went up and during exhale the heart rate slowed way down but introduced weirdly timed beats in between. If that makes any sense.

It's like my heart received a mixed input. The amount of oxygen and it's effect on vagal tone wanted to slow down my heart, but the adrenalin or whatever from exercising wanted to keep the rhythm quickly. So it did a bit of both. It felt like one or two irregular beats on the exhale, in conclusion.

I could mimic this every time i took a really deep breath. Tried it like 10 times. This all stopped around 30 minutes later when my heart rate went down to 'normal' again and the effects of exercise wore off. Taking a deep breath would now still cause a slow heart rate on exhale, but no more extra beats 'in between'.

So, it was like sinus arrythmia gone wrong. I did however not feel any palpitations or any other symptoms. I noticed this while measuring my heart rate with my finger on the carotid arteries.

Should I get this checked out? Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Or somebody has more info on this?

Thanks everyone.