View Full Version : Constant tight feeling in my throat can't stop swallowing to try and clear it

10-04-17, 14:11
I have this feeling like something is stuck in my throat and constantly feel the need to swallow. It is not as noticeable during the meaning and worsens as the day progresses. I've had this feeling for the last 3 months and it causeing me a lot of distress. It gets annoying constantly swallowing in attempt to clear my throat. Any help would be appreciated

11-04-17, 18:06

14-04-17, 17:12
I do have the issue.
My health issue started about a year ago with diarhea. All my test was clear dr. named as pi ibs also had acid reflux
For the past 2 weeks, I have sore throat and mild fever.
Even after drinking water need to burp to clear my throat.

Well do you have any other symptoms?

14-04-17, 21:10
I do have the issue.
My health issue started about a year ago with diarhea. All my test was clear dr. named as pi ibs also had acid reflux
For the past 2 weeks, I have sore throat and mild fever.
Even after drinking water need to burp to clear my throat.

Well do you have any other symptoms?

Nope no other symptoms. I am feeling stressed and worried about this though. I feel like there is something in my throats and I feel the need to swallow to clear my throat. One minute it feels so strong and the next minute it can be gone all together. I really don't know what this is and why it is happening.

15-04-17, 16:33
Acid reflux almost certainly as not everyone gets the burning sensation. A constricted throat is common, along with choking, feeling like you have a lump in the throat, coughing etc. It can help to lose weight, give up smoking and drinking (if you do) and cut back on caffeine as all these things can make it worse. Keep a food diary and see if certain foods and drinks are triggering it more. Also can help to eat slowly, chew well and sleep with your head and neck raised up a little more :)