View Full Version : Setback.

10-04-17, 15:18
Hey everyone, My name is Austin. I'm 26 years old. I live in Toronto, Ontario.
All my life I've been anxious. I had nightmares a lot when I was kid, was terrified to go on the rollercoaster. Scared of being in the dark. I had a lot of anxieties. Since I was 16 I've been battling panic attacks, and over the last 10 years it's been a lot of ups and downs with them.

After finding out about the panic switch book, and Dr.Claire weekes. I really started feeling much better. 2016 was the best year of my life. I felt free. I was working a physically demanding job, and still exercising on the side. I was in charge of my destiny.

Right now I'm in a particularly stressfull postgrad program. I thought I had it all together, but over the last few days I've been getting this panic attacks that I can't control. I feel this nervous energy all over my body.
I start trying to think about what's causing it? Is it the food I'm eating? The lack of sun? Are my gut bacteria off, and maybe that's causing it?
I've been getting these depression and anxiety attacks mixed, and it makes me feel hopeless.

I'm scared of not being able to complete my program, I'm scared of losing my girlfriend. I'm scared of losing everything I've worked so hard on for. I was doing so well. SO well. And now I'm at a loss.
If anyone can relate, please. I need some advice. I've tried SSRI medication in the past but they never made me feel better, or they caused worse anxiety to a point where I felt crazy.

Thank you.

11-04-17, 02:03
Could really use some advice guys. Is anyone out there?:weep:

11-04-17, 12:16
Could really use some advice guys. Is anyone out there?:weep:

I'm sorry to hear you are having a tough time. You say you first had anxiety in childhood - it's not unusual that you will have ups and downs throughout your life. You will overcome this bout like you did last time. See a therapist if you can. There are many other meds that can help other than SSRI's so it could be worth talking to a doctor about your options. Uni can be very stressful, especially for people with a preexisting disposition to anxiety. I got panic disorder while at uni, I had never had a panic attack before that. Be kind to yourself and don't over scrutinise the reasons why you're feeling the way you are. Try to make some small changes where possible - getting 8 hrs sleep a night, daily meditation, writing your thoughts and feelings down in a journal and also practising anxiety reducing techniques such as those that you learned from Claire weekes or elsewhere.

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