View Full Version : suddenly sleeping less?

10-04-17, 16:11
Hey, im a new user and i was hoping i could get some possible advice to ease my nerves...

I've had really bad anxiety for a while, but it usually doesn't affect my sleep. At least, not like this.
I recently had a housefire about a week ago (April 3rd, its April 10th now) and ever since then ive been having some trouble sleeping. It only seemed to get this bad more recently though, since Thursday when i had a doctors appointment, i started only being able to sleep for 6 hours, and being unable to go back to sleep afterwards. I have been nervous about the burns that are on my hands, and the soot in my house, do you think i could have some sort of brain infection? soot in my lungs causing oxygen to not reach my brain and therefore wake me up early?
my head does feel a bit jumbled from this, and i do have asthma...

It probably sounds really dumb but i can't help it. Thank you to whoever reads this.

10-04-17, 17:09
hi mate, 6hrs is still plenty of sleep. Ive been only getting about that for last couple of months. Usually I get 7-8 but ive been super stressed.

Time is a healer and over time you will return to normal. Let your body find itself and dont be too hard on yourself. 6hrs is fine unless you really cant function in a day!

10-04-17, 18:20
Sounds like insomnia induced by trauma. Pretty common and normal.

11-04-17, 06:22
I can understand why you get insomnia, housefire is seriously dangerous and causes anxiety, we can't forget it easily. :(

11-04-17, 09:44
I'm not surprised your sleep's disrupted by such a traumatic event, I wouldn't go looking for any bigger explanation than that.

And yes, 6 hours is not that bad as sleep goes, probably about normal for me.

12-04-17, 03:00
Thank you for the kind words, everyone.
I really hope that this doesnt last too long, because last night i woke up after only 2 hours, even though i thought i was going to bed calm. i keep waking up in a cold sweat.