View Full Version : Help! I' m really scared...

10-04-17, 16:21
Hi. I'm 22 year old female. I had my share of anxiety since January. I've been an anxious person before but never like that. I mean I got a whole range of physical symptoms (palpitations, dizziness, tiredness, insomnia, weakness in left arm and calf, difuse pain in legs, frequent urination, tremors, twitches, burning sensations, occasional numbness). They were not all present at the same time. More like one symptom was gone, the other one appeared.
I did some blood tests, ecgs and heart ecography. They were all fine, except for a minor UTI. The UTI took 5 weeks to subside (maybe anxiety made it worse).
Now I was getting CBT and fewer symptoms. I had almost two weeks when I felt normal and could relax. But yesterday, and that is embarassing, I saw a spot on my panties like they were wet. I panicked (previous MS fears came up again) and I've been needing to pee very often since then. I always feel like I am wet and keep checking, it's exhausting, I barely slept, I took half a xanax to help me sleep. I am soo scared and with anxiety back again.
Did any of you get urine leakage or felt like you always needed to pee? It's very frustrating.