View Full Version : One side of nasal cavity blocked

10-04-17, 18:36
Here I am again. Random note, if my health anxiety was a human being, it would definitely receive a punch or two :)

The newest anchor point of my anxiety may be a bit awkward to explain. I've been putting this off for a while because I don't know how to seek help for this and whether I should because it may be normal? To cut a long story short, my curious nature (and a random one off palatal pain) discovered that we have a second set of, nostrils, I guess? You can't see them because they're above your palate. Anyway - the right nasal side feels nice and open but the left one pretty much is blocked :( It feels like the nasal wall extends all the way to the septum!! And now I've noticed that this is the nostril that's draining the majority of the time - explaining my unexplained post nasal drip which I've had for a very long time now! When the left nostril's pretty much empty of mucus (rarely) I can breathe perfectly fine, but just a little bit of junk and it's blocked up. And now that the weather's changing and the the floral life is coming back to life here in the UK, I feel this is going to get worse!

So basically I've googled (I know...) every endoscopy image available, and my brain's boiled it down to either natural anatomy or cancer :( The C taking up the majority of the thought waves, naturally. Especially when I start seeing blood, but my rational brain is pretty sure it's just me breaking small blood vessels by brute force, frankly.

Problem is, I had the chance to get this checked at! I was recently at the ENT for another problem, and I thought I could hit two birds with one stone (you know to save everyone's time etc.) and asked whether they could check my post nasal drip but they refused, stating I need to go back to my GP and get referred again. UK people - do you have any idea whether a gp themselves can investigate the nose with an issue like this or would I have to be referred? Does my description ring a bell to anyone?

Sorry for the usual rant, brain's cornering me again!

25-04-17, 21:36
Anyone have any ideas? The rational side of my brain is saying this could be a chronically inflamed turbinate, but health anxiety's winning I think :( I could also feel a sort of ridge on that side of my septum, I thought septums are just smooth bone/cartilage?

25-04-17, 23:33
ok so as far as i know u can have one side of a nostril blocked naturally? i know that was the case with my mum like the septum (is that the word for it? sorry im tired and my english is letting me down) is turned more to one side than the other so technically shes only or mostly breathing through one side because other side is blocked and its not a dangerous thing
our bodies tend to not be symmetrical

i think if it was something serious youd feel other symptoms or at least pain or something