View Full Version : Scared I'm getting schizophrenia

10-04-17, 21:54
Hi I'm a 22 year old who's had anxiety since I was 17. Last night in the middle of the night my anxiety felt elevated and I was laying in the dark and I didn't hear an actual voice but a thought came of a distorted laugh like one used with autotune. It happened once with a high laugh and then with a lower pitched laugh. It was very quick and nothing like that happened for the rest of the night and I didn't think about it for most of today and I haven't heard any actual voices or had any delusions but I do feel very afraid and anxious. I don't know if this is schitzophrenia or not. I didn't experience anything like this during the day either.

10-04-17, 23:17
There are many phenomena experienced during the Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic sleep stages. Hallucinations, whether auditory or visual and even olfactory, are well known.

Anyone can have them but anxiety is known to worsen such things.

10-04-17, 23:35
Hi I'm a 22 year old who's had anxiety since I was 17. Last night in the middle of the night my anxiety felt elevated and I was laying in the dark and I didn't hear an actual voice but a thought came of a distorted laugh like one used with autotune. It happened once with a high laugh and then with a lower pitched laugh. It was very quick and nothing like that happened for the rest of the night and I didn't think about it for most of today and I haven't heard any actual voices or had any delusions but I do feel very afraid and anxious. I don't know if this is schitzophrenia or not. I didn't experience anything like this during the day either.

I want to hug you because I know how this feels. I read very helpful information once which said something along the lines of, "People who have schitzophrenia don't know they have it" and since you are aware, it is your anxiety.

I've had weird laughs, scary faces, scary noises, things that make me jump when I open my eyes. I have never slept without headphones in playing some kind of music, it's terrible really but my brain just loves doing that to me :/

13-04-17, 02:42
My mother is schizophrenic and your symptoms sound nothing like hers. She doesn't even know she needs help. Schizophrenia usually starts suddenly and the kind of people who develop schizophrenia tend to be substance abusers like cocaine or meth addicts. She was also bipolar for years before she developed schizophrenia. If you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be hearing voices right before or in the middle of your sleep, you would wake up one morning, and the see/hear the pizza talking to you. Also, you'd either be completely catatonic or volatile and start believing all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories about the government and whatnot. Even before my mother was schizophrenic my mother would tell me that she could read my mind and that's pretty much a good description of a schizophrenic.

Stay away from drugs and get some sun, you'll probably be fine.

13-04-17, 03:45
Do yourself a favor and get help for you anxiety and stop the excessive worrying. You will feel so much better.