View Full Version : tongue numbness

28-04-07, 19:38
anyone else get this?! doesnt feel normal at all, not liking it 1 bit!

28-04-07, 22:52
Hi Nbs1, you haven't said if you take meds. I have had very unpleasant 'pins and needles' and dry, numb feelings in my mouth from some anti depressants. All anti depressants (in my experience anyway) make your mouth dry and make you feel thirsty all of the time and some can also give you a horrible 'taste' in your mouth.
Look up the side effects of any meds you are on ( not just anti depressants) and see if this symptom is listed. I also get a numb, 'pinching' feeling in my hands and face when my anxiety is bad so it could just be a side effect of anxiety. I find chewing sugarfree gum masks the sensation and helps your mouth produce more saliva.

Take care


22-06-07, 12:41
I have this numb tongue feeling, don't like it one bit!
