View Full Version : Heart commercial triggered me

11-04-17, 00:08
Hi everyone. I feel so worried after a heart commercial just came on. It said " does your heart skip for no reason? If so come see us today and let us help you" along with other heart stuff. Should I be worried or Are these just actually normal. I was getting better until I saw that commercial 😕.

11-04-17, 00:36
Hi everyone. I feel so worried after a heart commercial just came on. It said " does your heart skip for no reason? If so come see us today and let us help you" along with other heart stuff. Should I be worried or Are these just actually normal. I was getting better until I saw that commercial 😕.

Hey I know exactly how you feel! I have a lot of heart worries too, and I was getting better but there's a horrible heart commercial over here showing a young person suddenly dying of heart disease. It scared me so much that I was googling things for weeks later and all the work that had made me feel less anxious was gone and I was terrified again. I think some of these ads do more harm than good in a way - I get raising awareness but it also scares people into believing something horrible when they actually have a simpler problem. Just last year I had a UTI (but not confirmed because symptoms were gone by the time I was tested) but I had a little blood in my urine and there's an ad over here that basically implies the cause of blood in urine means cancer. Sure people should check symptoms with there doctor but stop scaring people! These things makes yaKth anxiety go crazy so don't worry sounds normal to me, sometimes these things get a little carried away to get their message across

11-04-17, 00:59
Exactly! I see these kind of things and it just sends me back to square 1. I am a person who thinks these kinda of ads are signs smh. Thank you for your comforting words. I feel calmer knowing I'm not alone.

11-04-17, 01:03
Those commercials are to make money. They want you to come to their office a charge you for services. Just like the drug commercials, rehab and any other form of advertisement. Don't get sucked into it. You should see your doctor and get some help for the anxiety.

11-04-17, 13:34
That is a really shitty sales tactit. Really shouldn't be allowed.