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View Full Version : Col wet feeling on my chin

11-04-17, 03:10
For the past couple weeks, I gave been randomly getting this feeling like a specific spot on the left side of my chin was cold and wet. I would actually go and wipe it if, but nothing us there. It's small. About the size of the tip of my index finger. I kept trying to tell myself it was probably no big deal. Just like a pimple or something under the surface. But it has persisted, and I finally did done googling today, and all the results are terrifying me. I'm having trouble breathing now. They are all like MS or some other neurological disorder or cancer or something. I have OCD so thus is really upsetting. I can't stop thinking about it.

11-04-17, 09:58
Oh my goodness I get the exact same thing sometimes!! It feels like I've drooled or something but nothing is there!!!

It goes away when I don't focus on it so I presume it's psychosomatic.

Catherine S
11-04-17, 11:32
It could be just a nerve thing. Nerves can do strange things anywhere on your body but you feel it more in some places. As can the small blood vessels we have everywhere. Which is why hands feet and face can go numb in very cold weather. Sometimes these things happen quite randomly just as twitches do too.


12-04-17, 01:13
I went to the doctor, but she couldn't see anything wrong. I'm really scared it's something serious. I did a bunch of research, and apparently your chin feeling numb or cold or whatever is pretty rare and could be a sign you have a tumor somewhere or something. I can't stop thinking about this. I don't know what to do.

03-11-17, 15:37
Do you still have this or has it gone away?