View Full Version : Symptoms

11-04-17, 21:37
What are some of your symptoms and do you have any of them 24/7?

11-04-17, 22:19
skipping heartbeats and I get them all the time. I also waking up shaking and sometimes feel breathless.

12-04-17, 23:25
Horrible sense of dread, impending doom. It comes in waves and increases in intensity leading up to a full blown panic. The panic feels like I am going crazy. My thoughts race but become fragmented and I loose cohesion in my thought patterns. This bleeds into more panic as I become convinced that I am losing my mind. I feel a compelling urge to run away, but run away from myself...??? Palpitations, sweaty palms, heat rushes, breathlessness. Horrible, horrible, horrible... and it can happen at a moments notice, whenever... I've had a few weeks remission, but they started again about a week ago and have been mainly in the evenings.

13-04-17, 20:22
Tingly hands and feet, pins and needles. Itching on random places all over the body.
I also have a tight throat feeling.
These symptoms come and go throughout the day. Some days I almost feel normal, other days they come back with avengence.
None of the symptoms are painful or distressing in that sense, however I notice them, and thats enough for them to make me worry about something more sinister..
Sometimes I get a vibrating feeling in my body if awoken from a sleep.

Earlier in my life I've had, derealization, irritated bladder, pain in groin area, fatigue, palpitations, sleep disturbances, and all consuming health anxiety mixed with OCD where I constantly checked my body for enlarged lymph nodes...

13-04-17, 20:51
Tingly hands and feet, pins and needles. Itching on random places all over the body.
I also have a tight throat feeling.
These symptoms come and go throughout the day. Some days I almost feel normal, other days they come back with avengence.
None of the symptoms are painful or distressing in that sense, however I notice them, and thats enough for them to make me worry about something more sinister..
Sometimes I get a vibrating feeling in my body if awoken from a sleep.

Earlier in my life I've had, derealization, irritated bladder, pain in groin area, fatigue, palpitations, sleep disturbances, and all consuming health anxiety mixed with OCD where I constantly checked my body for enlarged lymph nodes... how long did you have the derealization you seem just like me but the derealization I've had for 2 years and won't go away

20-04-17, 14:25
Ive had all sorts of things over the last few weeks. They seem to be at bay most of the time but hit full force after a "random" panic attack. Usually I'll be alright then out of the blue I start to feel weird, then It feels like my heart stopped and a rush of heat washes over me. After that I either have a really fast or normal heart rate but feel awful. Like this wave of dread just came over me and for a few days after I get shaky, nervous, tense, change in heart rate, feel defeated on and off. After my last one Monday I have felt awful, my jaw hurt, had slight neck pain, weird feeling around my heart, tense on left side with some tingles in my arm. I believe yhe teeth are from clenching and not even knowing it. And the arm and neck from sleeping. I was convinced it was heart attack symptoms. Called the doctor and he says no but I'm going un today anyway. :scared15:

20-04-17, 16:36

My symptoms sound identical to yours. I was diagnosed with costrochondritis and have had a stress test (no problems found), EKG (normal), Chest X-Ray (normal) and 48 hour Holter Monitor (still waiting for results). All in all I think I can safely say that all of my symptoms are anxiety and costrochondritis related.

I had a really great day yesterday and today, not so much. I have that feeling of dread and panic, tight chest and pains in my neck. Wishing that there was just a magic pill to fix it all!


20-04-17, 17:45

My symptoms sound identical to yours. I was diagnosed with costrochondritis and have had a stress test (no problems found), EKG (normal), Chest X-Ray (normal) and 48 hour Holter Monitor (still waiting for results). All in all I think I can safely say that all of my symptoms are anxiety and costrochondritis related.

I had a really great day yesterday and today, not so much. I have that feeling of dread and panic, tight chest and pains in my neck. Wishing that there was just a magic pill to fix it all!


See my main symptom is depersonalization it sucks :(

20-04-17, 18:59
See my main symptom is depersonalization it sucks :(

What does it feel like for you? That is my worst symptom too. In fact, it's the only remaining symptom of my panic disorder - I no longer get full panic attacks or frequent physical symptoms. But I do get a blanket of mental dread and despair come over me randomly sometimes, where I feel very detached from life and my past and what my future is and where I belong and the nature of life in general. It's very heavy but it doesn't last. That's what I feel like depersonalisation is for me.

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22-04-17, 19:49
Yes mlee10 I've had a lunch of things checked as well. Three regular doctors appointments, one at a cardiologist, three ekgs, blood test a few months back, stress test 2.5 years ago, listening to my heart, checking blood pressure...have an ecg next week. I may ask to have a holter monitor as well just to be safe. It seems everything I have done satisfies me for a little then I'm onto needing a new reassurance test. Same with me... it seems like you have a great day then slip right back in again. The last sveral days for me have actually been alright but I always find myself worrying again at random times. I hear you, I wish I was a kid again with no worries lol. Brad: Im pretty sure I have that as we. Even before my first panick attack three weeks ago today, I felt it. It seems like everything I enjoyed doing I have no interest or motivation to do. I always find myself mopeing and having no energy. I recently just bought a 1969 Camaro which I have wanted for years and I have no motivation or mental energy to even work on it!.. I always find myself thinking dreary and dark thoughts even though I'm usually happy and positive.

22-04-17, 20:01
What does it feel like for you? That is my worst symptom too. In fact, it's the only remaining symptom of my panic disorder - I no longer get full panic attacks or frequent physical symptoms. But I do get a blanket of mental dread and despair come over me randomly sometimes, where I feel very detached from life and my past and what my future is and where I belong and the nature of life in general. It's very heavy but it doesn't last. That's what I feel like depersonalisation is for me.

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Yah at first it felt like I was on autopilot for a year and half now I just feel so detached from myself like I'm not the same person which is silly because obviously I am, I had a panic attack and 2 days after it I woke up with depersonalization and it hasn't went away, only if I'm worried about something