View Full Version : Baby steps...

11-04-17, 21:45
For those who don't know (probably most of the people reading this, to be fair) I've suffered with agoraphobia for years, along with health anxiety that makes me too scared of heart problems and fainting to attempt much exercise. Well, today I can say that I got through a beginner exercise routine (I pulled a few hip muscles, so hopefully I'll be able to say tomorrow that I remembered to warm up first!) and for the third day in a row, I've walked to the corner shop and back with only minimal panicking!

So small steps, and I still have a huge way to go, but it's a start. :) Good luck to everyone else going through the same struggles with agoraphobia and/or health anxiety - pace yourself as much as you need to, and you'll get there one bit at a time!

12-04-17, 04:56
Well done! :yesyes::yahoo:

Unfortunately, those first few weeks of a new routine are known to bring the aches & pains as the body tries to adjust. It's busy rebuilding itself.

It sounds like you are turning a corner. Something has motivated you to challenge it. And doing it smartly gives you more chance of success than going at things head on into the deep end.

Just think where you will be as the weeks progress? Your confidence is growing and along with comes self esteem too. And it doesn't matter about lost time, it matters more about the time you are going to get back.

Good luck.

12-04-17, 15:04
That is really great news! Congratulations!

I think sometimes we're our own worst enemy, in that we want to be better NOW - when the slow and sensible approach is actually the way to get there, as you are proving. Well done, and keep up the good work!

12-04-17, 15:47
That is awesome! It is true we are our own worse enemy. I agree, small positive steps are important to getting better. Building your confidence is important. I think it's great that you are excising. Make sure you warm up those muscles first! The mind is a powerful thing. It is good to hear a success story! We can get better!

12-04-17, 18:37
Well done.

Keep up the good work.

I went out away from my street yesterday, first time in 6 months. Took me a few days to prepare to go out but am glad I didn't give in to the temptations of tv watching and getting things done.

Hoping to continue with my baby steps, regarding Agoraphobia and the weather makes me feel a whole lot better.

13-04-17, 02:28

13-04-17, 03:42
Tort that is great news that you are making progress. My temptation is the lap top. I'll sit here all day looking at the internet and not getting anything done. I need to make myself go outside too. Now that the weather is getting warm here in the States I can start planing flowers and my herbs.

16-04-17, 01:33
Well, I had to stop for a while (for my fellow uterus-owners, "cramps" and "I feel like I never want to move again" is probably enough of an explanation! :P ) but I'll be continuing in a few days. I've also had the rather less planned step of going to the hospital's walk-in centre without completely panicking or assuming the worst. :) It turned out to be nothing more than a scratch on my eye, so I've been given eye drops - to anyone else in the same boat about getting something checked by the doctor, there's nothing to worry about when it comes to going. It really is most likely the most innocuous thing causing whatever's wrong!

(To those of you trying to get out more, the more often you do it the easier it'll get. I'm still finding it difficult, but I'm starting to get a bit more comfortable with it in tiny amounts. :) So you guys can all do it too!)

16-04-17, 05:41
Life gets in the way of everyone's plans, I'm sure you will be one of many women who need to adjust at certain times (my GF does too). But that's not a bad thing, mentally that is as I'm sure no woman wants to feel like that every month! It's giving you some reality, something you have to plan around which doesn't make it avoidance.

I always think women have more to deal with that interacts with anxiety, hence it's no surprise more women deal with these disorders.

You are doing really great. Think of it this way, you could have retreated and you didn't. You adjusted and kept on pushing and also managed something unexpected - the ultimate test!

Same to you, tortoise. It's no small feat doing something after so long.

24-04-17, 16:03
I really shouldn't have spoken so soon... guess whose rosacea has started to mess with her eyes and caused ulcers? Three hospital trips later and I'm now on a couple of courses of antibiotics and a regular eye-cleaning routine. One of the antibiotics I'm on also makes my skin sun-sensitive, so I can't go out in daylight unless I'm covered up and wearing suncream even on cloudy days, and even then not for very long. Time to move the exercising indoors until this six week course of meds is up! :P (No, I'm still not letting it beat me. XD)