View Full Version : Most terrified I've ever been....having colonscopy and endoscopy in around 9 hours

12-04-17, 07:17
So basically around december I started having indigestion problems....just gassy and belching and hiccups sometimes, and had a slight dullness just right of my belly button. I got a bunch of tests done, including abdominal which was fine...and good blood work.

For awhile it was just these two things, kind off and on but close to every day. The indigestion maybe even kind of went away for a few weeks or close to a month....hard to say. I did also get some random muscle aches and pains cor awhile from december through probably january.

In February I noticed two times having dark stool....two nights in a row, but the consistency was okay. That happened again just once more like 3-4 weeks later. I then started having some constipation though, but didnt really notice any other stool issues.

Going later into march though, I started having some more stomach pain...around that spot next to my belly button and radiating sometimes. Then I started noticing some more stool issues, a little mucas, and off in consistency and a little in color. I also started getting more bloated. Plus I started getting back pain.

I ended up seeing the GI twice and setting up the colonoscopy the second time. Since then I have also had more aches, and have felt worse in general...sometimes a little shaky.

The last few days up until today doing prep, I had borderline diahrea. Not like all day, but when I went it looked not really good and more mucas and some blood. Also I have had migraine symptoms which I did have earlier in december, pressure, a little headache and some dizzieness....so it gets me even more worried adding that in.

Im just freaking out now and really fear bad things. I just don't know...Im scared.

Edit-forgot to mention recently I had an abdominal ultra sound, two chest x-rays, and blood tests that all came back clear...and and no anemia apparently. I have also just recently noticed that the back of my left knee is a little swollen and Im worried because I have had a little more soreness on that leg. I got an ultrasound and xray of it that turned out good, but worried about it being something worse.

12-04-17, 11:43
Hi :).

Just wanted to say good luck with your tests today! Let us know how you get on.
I also get a lot of stomach issues with my anxiety. Good blood work and no anaemia is a good sign that the dark stool is nothing too worrying.

Hope everything goes well

12-04-17, 12:40
Thinking about you, hope you get on ok today:hugs: xx

12-04-17, 14:09
Hi :).

Just wanted to say good luck with your tests today! Let us know how you get on.
I also get a lot of stomach issues with my anxiety. Good blood work and no anaemia is a good sign that the dark stool is nothing too worrying.

Hope everything goes well

Thinking about you, hope you get on ok today:hugs: xx


12-04-17, 15:11
Good luck! Hoping this offers a little reassurance for you. A few years ago I had to have a colonoscopy because one night I noticed the toilet bowl was full of blood after a BM (like really bad). Obviously I was scared out of my mind and it ended up just being hemmeroids, an anal fissure and a benign polyp. There are so many causes of mucus and blood that are not related to cancer. Try to take some deep breaths. The worst part is the prep prior to and the best part is you get some results the same day! Good luck and let us know how it goes!