View Full Version : On holiday and really struggling

12-04-17, 08:27
I'm currently speaking to Dr's regarding me being borderline Hypothyroid.
I have most of the symptoms and day to day I'm really struggling with the symptoms.
Recently I've noticed that I've been having an thudding heartbeat, mainly at night but also at various times during the day. I went to the GP she checked, ordered an ECG which was normal and said it's fine.
However, I've also started to develop what feel like Hypoglycemic attacks, I start shaking, feel clammy, heart racing etc. The thing is I'm not hugry.
I've had a couple of them and I had one yesterday and my anxiety is through the roof.
I don't know if my anxiety about the heart is causing the other symptoms and being away I can't see a GP.
Anyone else had similar? I literally feel like I'm going to keel over with it, it's so awful!!
Needless to say not enjoying my holiday and just want to go home.

12-04-17, 16:51
All of those sound exactly like anxiety/ panic attack, the clammy, shaky, racing heart. Just ignore it, no harm will come of it. It's just anxiety trying to ruin your holiday. Let it wash over you and don't let it spoil your holiday.
I just came back from a trip abroad and I had exact same symptoms so I know the feeling, my anxiety is always heightened when I'm away.
Don't stress and have fun. See your doctor when you're home but they'll tell you you're fine :)

12-04-17, 20:54
Thank you LF87, I did think it might be anxiety making it worse, it's just so hard to tell yourself that's what it is.

I love going away on holiday but it's always stressful, I always panic if I don't know where the hospital is or the local walk in centre.

One of the joys of HA, most normal people worry about where to eat or places to visit, I'm checking out the medical facilities!!!

12-04-17, 22:52
I know I'm exactly the same, scanning the area wondering where I can get to for anything medical! Honestly it's just our anxiety wreaking havoc. I had the worst day ever yesterday - thought I was going to throw up/faint or have some serious health situation. I'm home safely now and managed to enjoy most of my time. Hope you can do the same, don't worry! X

13-04-17, 17:10
I have hypothyroidism too and sometimes I get all the symptoms you've just described.
I think it may be my thyroid swinging into hyper from too much levothtroxine.

Are you on medication for it?
What are you levels?

Hypothyroidism can cause really bad anxiety and heart thuds too.
So as much as it can definitely all be anxiety related, make sure your levels are good and in turn you should feel better.

Dr's don't realise what an influence the thyroid has over your mental health.

13-04-17, 22:18
I used to work as advisor for thyroid charity.
i am assuming you have had thyroid blood tests and told you were bordeline. What should happen is that you are retested 3 or 6 months later to see if anything has changed. Your Dr can give you the absolute minimum dose (25mcg) of thyroxine for 8 weeks to see if your symptoms improve and retest your levels.
If you are not taking thyroxine and are borderline hypo then these attacks sound to me more anxiety than thyroid itself.
If you have not already done so then go back to your Dr and ask to be retested in a few months or even discuss the possibility of minimum dose thryoxine then retesting .

15-04-17, 09:42
Thank you for the replies.

My levels are coming in at high 3's on the TSH and the FT4 is 12.6 in a range of 12-22. Its so frustrating as my GP said I can't trial levo until my TSH goes up over 4 when it's considered sub clinical.

It's so frustrating as everything I read says that your FT4 level should be half way or higher for people to feel well and my levels seems to be slowly rising and dropping. My thyroid is now enlarged and has nodules on it and I have a family history of it on both sides.

I'm seriously considering seeing a private endo as I've read that a lot of Dr's believe you should be treated once TSH goes over 3. I know you can't believe everything you read but aside from the anxiety symptoms I have a lot of other non specific things like really dry skin, constipation, puffy face, muscle aches and pains and can pretty much tick most things on the list for underactive.