View Full Version : Migrating Chest Pains

12-04-17, 14:50
About a month or two ago i started noticing some chest pains. I went to the doctor who used a stethoscope to listen to my lungs and heart, aswell as a blood oxygen test and got me to press down on my sternum which at the time felt quite tender. They said it was muscular pain and I shouldn't be worried about any complications.

It's still here, though every time i feel it, it's usually in a different place around my chest. It's intermittent, and when im doing other things it's very rare I'll notice it. It's best described as a dull ache. I don't smoke, but I am obese.

I'm worried I have lung cancer, or some other terminal illness. The anxiety over this is ruining my life, and I'm far too scared to make a return visit. Anyone have similar symptoms, or medical experience?

12-04-17, 16:59
Hi I'm going through something similar at the moment. Chest pains started a couple of months ago after what I think was awful indigestion. I called 111 for some advice as I wasn't sure it was indigestion and that sent me into a huge anxious spiral about my heart. My dr checked my heart and lungs and said its tension due to anxiety. I'm almost over the heart worry now but like you the ache moves around its more in my shoulder and ribs so I'm worried it's somthing horrible. I've been to the dr twice and she's said its anxiety both times so I'm trying my hardest to try and ignore it but it's hard

anx mum
12-04-17, 17:49
I feel the same too my chest pains started about a month ago they are mainly centre pains which feel tender to touch now its spread to the shoulder all over my chest worrying me had a few tests nothing is showing. Is your pain constant?

12-04-17, 18:45
I feel the same too my chest pains started about a month ago they are mainly centre pains which feel tender to touch now its spread to the shoulder all over my chest worrying me had a few tests nothing is showing. Is your pain constant?

Sorry to hear about your chest pains, mine isn't too constant thankfully.

Hi I'm going through something similar at the moment. Chest pains started a couple of months ago after what I think was awful indigestion. I called 111 for some advice as I wasn't sure it was indigestion and that sent me into a huge anxious spiral about my heart. My dr checked my heart and lungs and said its tension due to anxiety. I'm almost over the heart worry now but like you the ache moves around its more in my shoulder and ribs so I'm worried it's somthing horrible. I've been to the dr twice and she's said its anxiety both times so I'm trying my hardest to try and ignore it but it's hard

Seems we're pretty similar, yeah. Mine does occasionally get close to my shoulder. The best advice I can offer is that everyone has their aches and pains, and a doctor has had to train years to test. But just like you I can't shake that horrible panicky feeling whenever it comes up! Maybe try going back mentally through yourt day and see if your doing anything that could aggravate the muscles? Treat it like a strain

anx mum
12-04-17, 19:56
The only thing I can think of is been extra busy. I think cos its a chest pain it is more worrying really scared especially when I'm on my own. Mine has gone to shoulder and arm but last few days hasent been there. Have u got much support?

12-04-17, 20:27
Thanks for the reply. I work at Screwfix so I'm constantly lifting heavy stuff or if I can't lift it I find away of moving it either pushing or pulling it. A few of the lads I work with think a woman shouldn't work there if we can't lift and shift what they can so I don't ask for help I just find a way.

My pain comes and goes which makes me think a lot of it is anxiety as my dr says I've probably pulled something then worry about it and that sets off a whole vicious cycle for me. I have had gallstones in the past and had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago so wonder if it's something to do with that

13-04-17, 21:42
The only thing I can think of is been extra busy. I think cos its a chest pain it is more worrying really scared especially when I'm on my own. Mine has gone to shoulder and arm but last few days hasent been there. Have u got much support?

I have a pretty awesome family supporting me, thankfully. They are sympathetic to how much panic even little symptoms like aches and pains cause. Also it's awesome to hear that it's more alleviated recently! Don't get too worried if it comes back, muscles take a while to heal, and they do so on-and-off

Thanks for the reply. I work at Screwfix so I'm constantly lifting heavy stuff or if I can't lift it I find away of moving it either pushing or pulling it. A few of the lads I work with think a woman shouldn't work there if we can't lift and shift what they can so I don't ask for help I just find a way.

My pain comes and goes which makes me think a lot of it is anxiety as my dr says I've probably pulled something then worry about it and that sets off a whole vicious cycle for me. I have had gallstones in the past and had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago so wonder if it's something to do with that

No problem. Your gallbladder being removed might be linked, though i'm not too informed on biology so i can't say for certain.

18-04-17, 02:44
I'm not your doctor but what you're describing sounds like textbook costochondritis. Like so textbook it could be a board question.

I've been diagnosed with it. It comes and goes and it is quite annoying. But your doctor is right, it's simply musculoskeletal. Try taking some nsaids like ibuprofen or naproxen (they never really help me). I've started to eat a more anti-inflammatory diet and I get less flare ups than usual.

Best of luck!

19-04-17, 22:25
It does sound like costochondritis - I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia twenty years ago (costo is a sub-condition of this) by my particularly well-informed GP when I had never even heard of the condition. The fact that the pain is migratory gives it away. You will find that you have tender spots all over your rib cage - if you press on the ribs they will feel bruised or sore.

Despite doctors prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs for this you will find that they do absolutely nothing since there is no physical inflammation for them to fight. The pain you feel is in the fascia - the soft tissue surrounding the ribs and the rib joints - and is caused by the brain sending erroneous pain messages to these areas when there is in fact no injury or inflammation.

As others have said, just think back to what physical activity you might have been doing even a couple of days prior to the pain commencing. Anything repetitive and involving the arms, shoulders and upper musculature is usually to blame - activity such as decorating, prolonged periods at keyboard, perhaps hand-crafts such as knitting, sewing or the like. The pain is usually a delayed reaction, usually starting a day or two days after the prolonged activity.

Very common condition with anxiety, although most people who experience it have no idea what it is and many doctors will not even acknowledge it. Definitely muscular- related though - just stay calm and let it ease off.