View Full Version : Dentist Fear!

12-04-17, 14:54
I have always been terrified of the dentist. When I was younger, my mom stopped taking me because I would have a panic attack every time, to the point of becoming violent with the dentist. I finally went as an adult, and had several cavities filled. The dentist scolded me for not going for so long and made fun of my crooked teeth, so after all the problems were fixed, I decided not to go again.

It's been about six years, and I finally worked up the courage to make a dentist appointment. I have a mild toothache in one back molar and my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. I'm scared about the appointment, and also worried about everything that is probably wrong after not going for so long. I brush and floss every day but I'm sure I still have some cavities. I was reading about gum disease and I'm scared I need to have painful surgery to fix my bleeding gums. Also, my wisdom teeth were never taken out and I think the dentist will tell me I need to have surgery for that. All the worries are piling up and the appointment is still a week away.

12-04-17, 15:46
Well the dentist who scolded you does not seem a very nice dentist, no dentist should make bad comments about teeth. Remember to tell your dentist if it a new one how much you are scared, try to remember that your teeth will not be the worst a dentist has seen. I go to the dentist every few months and struggled with my fears and worries, but had the guts to tell her last time nicely.

12-04-17, 16:01
I can completely relate to how you're feeling. I had to visit my dentist just yesterday to have one of my molars extracted and I was a complete wreck...usually I don't mind visiting the dentist but because I knew I was going to have injections and an extraction I freaked out.
I'm not going to lie, the whole process was dreadful, but the staff were brilliant with me. I told them my fears/anxiety and they went out of their way to try and calm me down.
Does your dentist offer sedation? Could that be an option for you?

13-04-17, 03:25
It took me 15 years to go to the dentist to get a cavity checked.. I let it get so bad that I had an infection in the jaw that went to the nerve that runs to my ear. That made me dizzy and I has vertigo.. queue health anxiety!

Once I sat in the chair and had a panic attack right there I knew I found the right dentist.. after 30 years I found one I actually liked and refuse to see anyone else! I did end up needing a root canal and several fillings.. but honestly it was a walk in the park compared to the toothache I had! I felt no pain with the root canal

13-04-17, 04:13
My father lectured me as a child about taking care of my teeth. I used to have nightmares of them falling out! As I grew older I still always take care of my teeth and then I ended up have periodontal disease (thank you hereditary and menopause) I ended up working in health and dental insurance when I got older. TRUST me, dentist do not want you to be in pain, I have worked with many dentists. Today's dentist have so many ways of preventing pain. The jerk that made fun of your teeth should lose his license. The treatment for gum disease is called deep root cleaning, I have had it done twice. It is not painful, they numb you enough you don't feel a thing and there is no bleeding and no cutting. It's a sonic type cleaning. Keep your appointment and tell you dentist your fears. Also, when you get your wisdom teeth out, your teeth will not be crowded and be pushed together and they probably will have more room to straighten out. I have been to the dentist so much it doesn't even bother me anymore. Now that I have gotten my gums in shape I get my teeth cleaned every 4 months. It feels good to walk out of the dentist with clean, healthy teeth and you can get that way too!

13-04-17, 14:47
My parents dragged us the dentist when I was a child, my Dad parents never took him to him, his brothers, late brother and sister, so ended up losing the lot when he was in his 40s, it did not help also him getting wack by a cricket ball, bat when he was 18.
I also suffer from dentist anxiety but now my current dentist knows where I dont enjoy going. Okay I have had a few fillings done by various dentists, one root canal, and redone. I just got a difficult mouth to keep clean. I hate the lectures by the past dentists even though their were trying to help me. I know it important to go to catch any problems, fix the the problem if I get any, and try to avoid losing my teeth.

13-04-17, 19:08
Well, Unsure, keep you teeth brushed and floss every day and you shouldn't have any problems. Once you get used to a clean mouth it will drive you nuts to let it get yucky. I know I do. I know soo many people that have dental problems, here in the states you can buy a tooth brush and dental floss for 2 dollars. It's worth keeping your teeth, I don't know about you but I don't want to put my teeth in a jar at night. I love biting into a fresh apple and eating corn on the cob too! Bad teeth can cause sinus and jaw problems and dental care can get expensive. Please don't any one start worrying about those issues.

13-04-17, 21:51
I certainly dont want to lose my teeth, I go every three months for checkups so any problems get nipped in the butt and fixed like my past treatments and to keep my oral hygeine up. I agree with Snowghost like bad teeth can cause a huge amount of problems

14-04-17, 00:47
Thanks everyone, I know I'm definitely not the only one with this fear. The dentist has good reviews so I think he'll be okay.

I have been having more problems today, a muscle spasm in my jaw. I think it's probably just anxiety since I've been thinking about that area so much but hopefully it's not a sign of a horrible infection or something. I just don't want to wait a whole week, I'd rather get it over with before I chicken out!

14-04-17, 14:21
Update: I called and rescheduled the appointment to tomorrow. I was panicking too much and didn't want to wait anymore! Better to get it over with. I just want my nervous twitch to go away now.

14-04-17, 17:50
Update: I called and rescheduled the appointment to tomorrow. I was panicking too much and didn't want to wait anymore! Better to get it over with. I just want my nervous twitch to go away now.

Well done for making that call, don't forget tell them if feeling nervous or scare, the dentist cannot help you if you dont tell them, the dentist are not mind readers it took me ages to have the confidence of telling the dentist why, even though I been seeing this dentist nearly 6 years, and going to see dentists 33 years

14-04-17, 18:12
Yay! Good for you! I had a huge oral surgery scare a while back during pregnancy which caused this HA I have now! Tell the dentist you are scared and they will listen! Mine told me it is sooo common for people to have major anxiety about the dentist! You will be fine and do great :)

14-04-17, 23:20
Unfortunately after I scheduled my appointment, I got another call that there was a problem with my insurance. :( I had to upgrade to the higher option but that won't take affect until May 1, so now I have to wait even longer. Ugh.