View Full Version : Fear when Driving

29-04-07, 07:33
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me, I have a problem with driving I have looked and read all the post’s on this problem and it’s good to know that I am not alone in this. But in all the post’s I have read I can’t seem to find one that relates to my situation. So maybe I should explain.

I had my first ever panic attack when driving I was stuck in traffic on a very hot day and for some reason just lost the plot LOL, well after this I did drive for some time but my panic just got worse to the point 6 months later I become agoraphobic and did not leave the house for18 months so I lost my job and my car. Things slowly got better and we moved away (best thing we ever did) I got a very good job and life in general I fantastic I go out more (to a point) and all I seem to have is the symptom’s of panic never builds into a full blown attack.

My partner bought me a really nice car and when he is with me I am fine even if some one else is in the car I am ok and could drive all day long even on motorways, I can drive about 5 mins from the house when I am on my own and that’s about it on good days could drive further but never all the way to work but I now have to drive on my own to work and as my symptoms seem to be at there highest in the morning I am starting to feel a bit on edge. When I drive I sometimes get a feeling of derealisation and this starts me panicking.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. So for the long post

Thanks Sam X

29-04-07, 07:41
Hi, sam, check out nicola,s post from last week.under MR PANIC IS AFTER ME AGAIN-HE WON,T WIN. print like have and keep reading it, it will helpyou i,m sure.:)

29-04-07, 07:45
Sam, it,s on page 9, just to save you time.

29-04-07, 07:56
Thanks hun will take a look, need a mirecal cure cos i will be driving on my own in the morning (ohmy god)

Sam x

29-04-07, 07:59
Sam you will do it , do,nt let this monster beat you.:)

29-04-07, 09:00
Hi there..
I hit the invisable brick wall at roughly 1 mile from my house...
Who knows whats beyond that mile..lol!!!
Like yourself i can drive all i like (only with my mother though). I've driven motorways with her, but as soon as i get in the car alone, i poop it.


29-04-07, 09:29
Hi Sam

Your not on your own with the driving issues, im having confidence building driving lessons at the moment, i couldnt drive to the top of the street without panic while on my own, i feel like my confidence is growing now.:)

Heres Nics post that Rickards mentioned, Nic is the the queen of driving she as done so well with overcomeing the fear.:)


Here is Nics CBT Therapy for Driving Diary too, im sure she wont mind me giving you the link.



29-04-07, 16:21
Thanks so much for all your help in this matter. I have been reading Nic’s posts and it is all very good advice.

I have been visually going through my drive to work in my mind making sure that it is all positive; I will post Monday evening to let you all know how I got on.

Please wish me luck and send out those positive thoughts at about 7.45am tomorrow morning LOL as that is the time I will be Sh**ing my self LOL:weep:

Sam X

29-04-07, 16:41
Hi Sam

Glad you found the links useful, keep thinking positive and you will be fine!:)

Sending good luck your way and positive vibes too!:yesyes: :yesyes:


29-04-07, 16:48
Hi Sam

Glad my post helped.

I know how hard it is when you have driving issues but you can do this ok - keep calm and take it slowly.

Good luck!

29-04-07, 18:01
Hi Sam I have so much trouble driving have my "bad" places...I am going to a meeting tomorrow.....hopefully it will help..doubt it with the NHS being as it is:blush: . Have you ever thought of getting help for this?

29-04-07, 18:22
I have a terrible fear of driving alone and the only time it's ever gone away enough for me to get from A to B all on my own was when I basically had no choice except to drive.

All the time I was dating my partner, who had no car, it was either drive over to him or not see him, so I made myself drive. I used to take the exact same route each time and even though like you I got periods of derealisation I just kept doing it and doing it until it became second nature.

Now that I am living together with my partner I am back to where I was before, only able to drive when someone is with me, so I know it's all a question of practice, practice, practice.

Maybe if you have a CD that makes you feel relaxed you could play that in the car to distract you from any anxiety you may have.

I am sure once you get in the swing of your daily drive you will be just fine and wish you good luck with it :)

29-04-07, 18:29
I am the exact opposite alab! I hate having passengers.....apart from my 6 year old son......who can't judge I suppose lol:blush: I also hate being a passenger so maybe there is my problem...being in a car with someone:weep: which doesn't help me when I have a mum that doesn't drive and would love to come out with me. sorry going off thread here but need to tell the ppl tomorrow my probs:blush: you have made me think.

29-04-07, 20:19
Thanks so much for all your kind words, the problem I have is the fear of passing out when I am driving not likely to happen but the fear is very real to me. I have printed out some of Nic’s negative & positives so will take them in the car.

I have tried to get help but the NHS is so slow (I should know I work for them LOL) the waiting list in my area for NHS help is in the region of 18 months and if I waited for them I would have lost my job.:sign20: :sign20:

I feel that I just need to do it, I have been doing a lot more on my own over the past few weeks and I feel that if I just keep pushing forward I will some day get there (fingers crossed) but I have to say that’s this driving thing is my biggest burden so just thinking about it makes me panic.

Anyway best get sorted for work tomorrow, like I sad I will post and let you know how I get on.

Once again thanks for all your help it is very much appreciated.

Sam X

All fear is = False Evidence Appearing Real :yesyes:

30-04-07, 19:21
:yesyes: :D :yesyes: Hi guys just wanted to let you all know I DID IT, oh my god all the way there and back.
I got up in the morning thinking I can’t do this, but I just got ready sorted my work stuff out and went, put the radio on and my hands free and that was it.

Took a few calls on the way to work sorted loads out with members of staff before I knew it I was pulling into my parking space that has my name on it but I have never used and it felt sooooooooooooo good.

So a big thanks to you all, and Nic this will make you smile I printed of some of your negatives & positive and stuck them on my dash board LOL it worked cos I did have a few moment when I felt a bit odd but I DID IT LOL

Sam x
:D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes: :D :yesyes:

30-04-07, 19:31

Wow well done you :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

So pleased it went well for you.

Keep the print-out to remind you next time how good it felt today and how much you have achieved.

I am chuffed for you :hugs: :flowers:

30-04-07, 19:58

Thats great news WELL DONE!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Im so pleased for you hun !


20-11-08, 13:41
I am finally going to start taking lessons soon.

I still have the odd fear of what if and all the dangers on the road and what if I can't drive.

Has anybody got any good tips for seeing it all through and getting over fears? I wanted to do it a few years back but have always been scared to but now I feel I can manage it.