View Full Version : Petechia

12-04-17, 19:52
Ok I am trying not to freak out- I was at work and my dress has a waist that itches my stomach so I scratched it and I went to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't breaking out in hives- which I have done- and there are petechiae spots where I scratched- this is freaking me the eff out becaUse every time my son get these his doctors always do a blood test.....so of course I text my husband that I am concerned and he just tells me I am nuts.....has anyone ever had this petechaie from scratching? I scratched other places on my stomach to see if more would show up but they didn't.....I am spiraling right now- please help

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

Anyone? Help!

12-04-17, 19:52
Yes happened to me a few weeks ago on my arm! Scratched a really itchy spot and a bunch of little petechaie popped up. I put some lotion on the spot and they were all gone within a day or 2!

12-04-17, 20:02
Ok- that makes me feel better, I think it's because my skin is a little thin there from stretch marks from having kids, I have had these before from carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder and my son gets them on his face and arms and every time the his doctor does a quick CBC blood test in the office so we know with in 5 minutes the results.....I wish they had this for adults.....anyway I had never gotten them from scratching before so it scared me

12-04-17, 20:08
I also got them from leaning over our bath tub bathing my 10 month old! Again they went away in a day or 2! You are fine mama!

12-04-17, 20:13
Thank you so much- my anxiety is just really getting to me lately- I have an appointment Tuesday with a psychiatrist and honestly Tuesday can't get here fast enough.....

12-04-17, 20:29
No problem at all! Hope therapy helps! If my HA persists I may be going as well!

12-04-17, 20:34
Ever since I have had my kids mine has been out of control- well I guess I was somewhat managing with it but lately it's been really really bad....when I was pregnant with my second baby my anxiety went sky high for my entire pregnancy- I ended up in labor and delivery twice because of elevated blood pressure- I tried to tell them it was because of my anxiety but they still sent me and both times my blood pressure returned to normal- anxiety can be such a bitch

12-04-17, 20:53
OMG My HA started in my last pregnancy after some family deaths due to cancer and a health scare for me! This anxiety is no joke!!!

12-04-17, 21:45
I hate it so much- like honestly I wouldn't wish health anxiety on my worst enemy....maybe pregnancy hormones make I worse?

13-04-17, 14:17
I think the hormones for sure make the anxiety spike! I have never dealt with depression but sometimes I think that would be easier than anxiety :unsure: