View Full Version : Heat intolerance

12-04-17, 19:53
I can no longer tolerate the heat. It's making me worry so much. I used to be able to tolerate it, but now I feel like I'm going to faint, there's dizziness, and I get very shaky--especially if I'm holding one of my kids. It's got me thinking worst case scenario and now I'm afraid to drive home. I feel a headache coming on :(

Why doesn't anyone else suffer from this except for people with chronic health issues? :(

bin tenn
13-04-17, 02:33
It happens to me, too. I used to spend all sorts of time outside when I was younger, no matter how hot it was. Used to play baseball, basketball, etc. Now the heat brings on headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate, etc. Nothing significant about it, IMO. Just age and body changing

13-04-17, 13:43
Is this something that people need to work at? I've seen people running in the heat of the day when it's in the 90s, and I feel horrible just sitting in the sun when it's in the upper 70s. I'm pretty sure I would die if I ran when it was in the 90s.

bin tenn
13-04-17, 18:45
I don't know. But anxiety can play a role, for sure, because getting too hot can produce anxiety-like symptoms (e.g. racing/pounding heart and sweating). Proper hydration is key to staying well in the heat. I imagine overall physical fitness contributes as well.

18-04-17, 09:48
I'm the same way! The heat definitely affects me more now. I also sweet more which is super embarrassing. It always happens right around my hairline. Then that's all I can think about, which makes it worse. Sigh.