View Full Version : Terrified I have colorectal or anal cancer

12-04-17, 21:01
Hello everyone

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. Basically I'm terrified I have colon cancer. It's all I've been thinking about the past several days. Prior to this I've convinced myself of having lung, cervical, and breast cancer.

My symptoms are: occasional diarrhea, constipation, minor blood while wiping (tiny dots - sometimes even one dot of blood), back pain, sometimes back cramps that feel like my period that is relieved with bowel movement, occasional dark stools, occasional thin stools (usually when constipated), a clear/ watery/liquid/mucus discharge and some seepage of stool (sorry if tmi, it's basically like I need to wipe again between bms - this is new and was brought on while I have been extremely anxious), lower abdominal discomfort, and I've lost weight (but I've been dieting).

I'm just so, so freaking scared I have cancer. I saw my family doctor and they initially said it's likely ulcerative colitis or ibs and told me to make an apt with the GI. Which I've done. I have an apt on the 5th. But in the mean time, can anyone comfort me? Does it sound like IBS or Ulcerative Colitis? How likely do you think I have cancer? I'm a 28 yar old female with great grandparents who had colon cancer.

12-04-17, 21:11
It doesn't sound like cancer... that much I'm sure of.

Positive thoughts

13-04-17, 00:59
It sounds a lot like what I have. Simple and annoying and benign Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Just FYI the GI doctor may suggest a colonoscopy NOT because your symptoms sound like cancer, but because that's just the protocol. I have had two and have never had any bad results. Good luck, my dear!

13-04-17, 02:24
Thank you both

My doctor has suggested I either have ulcerative colitis, or had a stomach ulcer mixed with ibs. But I still can't shake the idea that colorectal cancer explains all my symptoms.... So I'm scared to death :(

13-04-17, 09:26
Thank you both

My doctor has suggested I either have ulcerative colitis, or had a stomach ulcer mixed with ibs. But I still can't shake the idea that colorectal cancer explains all my symptoms.... So I'm scared to death :(

It's at this point you need to be a bit humble and ask who knows better...

Someone who went to medical school and has years of professional practice as a GP.


Someone who's been on the Internet a bit Googling medical sites.

If a doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be.

13-04-17, 10:01
Sounds like IBS, which seems to affect at least 50% of us who suffer from anxiety.
Does NOT sound like colon cancer, which affects approximately zero percent of people in their 20s, and in fact is extremely, extremely rare in people under fifty years old.

IBS takes many forms; some people have predominantly constipation, others have predominantly diarrhea, and in some people, it alternates. Abdominal cramps are a pretty universal sign of IBS.
IBS is a benign yet very annoying condition. It does not increase your risk of cancer or anything. But it can make you feel like you are chronically ill.
I've found that when I am managing my anxiety, my IBS becomes more manageable as well.

Best wishes.

13-04-17, 17:10
I've also been having back pains and urinary incontinence. I looked online and it seems like this can happen if cancer has grown large or spread to other sites.

I'm crying my eyes out thinking it has spread and I'm stage iv

13-04-17, 17:37
I've also been having back pains and urinary incontinence. I looked online and it seems like this can happen if cancer has grown large or spread to other sites.

I'm crying my eyes out thinking it has spread and I'm stage iv

This is a question I've asked many people on here, it sounds harsh but I don't mean it to be, it's just the way we all have to think when spiralling and not believing the reassurance of doctors...

Does your few hours Googling make you better qualified to spot disease than a trained physician?

13-04-17, 21:40
I totally get what you're trying to say. And you're right. I'm going to try to talk to my doctor about it more

---------- Post added at 16:40 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

I spoke to my doctor again and she said it still sounds like IBS or Ulcerative Colitis. I have a GI doctor apt on the 19th. I'll see if he wants me to get a colonoscopy/see what he has to say about my symptoms.