View Full Version : Blood test and ECG results

12-04-17, 22:06

This is my first post here. Been suffering with health anxiety for years now. I finally got up the courage to go see my doctor a month ago because of heart palpitations and other random symptoms that make me feel like something is seriously wrong with me. At my appointment she sent me for blood work and an ECG and told me to make a follow up appointment for 2 weeks later where I'd have a full physical and discuss the results. I've had to reschedule my appointment so now it has been a month. My appointment is tomorrow and the panic is setting in. If my blood work or ECG were abnormal, would I have gotten a call and been asked to come in sooner to discuss even though I already had a follow up scheduled? Your answers will most likely save me from a night of anxiety so please let me know your experiences!!! Right now I'm thinking of the worst case scenarios and it's awful. :(

bin tenn
13-04-17, 02:38
Even if either of those was abnormal, it doesn't mean you need to worry. Abnormalities happen, and they are often benign/harmless. Some things just need attention or further evaluation in order to straighten them out. However, yes, I would think you'd receive a call if something were worrisome to the doc. You'll be fine. Hang in there and go to the appointment and feel better.

13-04-17, 04:40
Thank you so much for your reply. Logically I figured I would have gotten a call if something serious were wrong with my test results (for liability reasons on their end) but you know how anxiety can mess with your thoughts. Now I can stop worrying so much about the results and just focus on trying to get to the appointment, which is an anxiety inducing situation in itself for me. Haha

bin tenn
13-04-17, 13:13
I get it. After a hospital visit/admission last year, I had follow-up testing with the cardiologist - echo and stress test. They told me they would call with results, at which time they would ask me to come back in if something needed to be addressed. Otherwise, they would tell me all is well and I wouldn't have to come back in. It sucked waiting! I was anxious, for sure. They eventually called back and said "the cardiologist said your tests were normal, so you don't need to come back." What a relief, but when my phone rang the anxiety shot up. Haha.