View Full Version : scared i'm going to die

13-04-17, 17:50
i'm absolutely terrified me or one of my family members are going to die. i keep analyzing every little thing. oh, there's a lot of cancer talk on medias and it's literally everywhere you go? you are going to die from cancer. hmmm there sure are a lot of crows lately... and look! one landed super close to you! that means you are going to die! your cat is so clingy, maybe she can feel your death approaching. oh, a crow entered your house in a dream. this is absolutely a sign of your death! it's getting extremely tiring and i don't know what to do. i feel very uneasy, probably because of the panic, but my brain insists it's because i can sense my death. i was able to calm these thoughts down for a really long while but since last month they came back stronger than ever. that dream with the crow is scaring me... i mean i probably dreamt that because a crow landed near me when coming home from school but it's still giving me intense anxiety... i don't know what to do to calm myself down, does anybody have some advice?

Sean Yaxley
13-04-17, 18:42
Try some simple breathing exercises, try and focus solely on the breathing and nothing else, in through the nose out of the mouth. If you're not taking any medication or haven't seen a GP then you really should go see one.

13-04-17, 21:23
Try some simple breathing exercises, try and focus solely on the breathing and nothing else, in through the nose out of the mouth. If you're not taking any medication or haven't seen a GP then you really should go see one.

well i'm already seeing a therapist that helps me with my anxiety... i've tried the tricks she gave me but they don't really work for a long time. ill try what you said!

17-04-17, 02:33
I'm actually going through the same thing right now. A few months ago my dad had an incident with pills he was taking. Afterwards we found out he skipped a day and the pills he was taking can have some serious side effects if not taken right. I walked into the house with him on the bed laying flat shaking, throwing up, not able to move, passing out. So ever since then I have been on edge constantly...every little cough someone does has me ready to freak out. It was just others I was worried about until last week I had a serious panick attack with epoctic geartbearts, dizzness, shaking, tight chest, etc. Plus several more attacks after that, now I feel like Im dying and concerned about my heart constantly. So ever since then ive been worried about not only everyone else but now me to..�� Im going to try and see a healer tomorrow and also going to go to a therapist. Reading these forums to see that other people go through the same thing has rely helped me also.

01-05-17, 21:36
my fear got better in the past few days... until today i saw six crows perched on a cable. i read somewhere a long while ago that seeing six crows means death and i am absolutely scared... ugh all the efforts i put in my recovery were gone in a flash...

10-05-17, 03:15
I've been thinking the same way...we had two cats die and I always heard deaths come in threes and I'll be next 😫 but obviously thats a load of nonsense and not going to happen. I guess this is relevent to this...we got a new model Volvo in 2010 and no one had one. It seems as soon as we got ours we were spotting them all over the road!! Thats because we were never aware of them before until we had one of our own. Same thing with this fear of death. You got it...now everywhere you look you see death as where usually you'd pay no mind at all. Everything you see becomes a bad sign as to you are going to die. Where as in reality you will be fine and are just overanalyzing everything. :D