View Full Version : Really Struggling right now. Need some support

13-04-17, 18:29

I recently posted a thread on a breast lump I found. Went and saw the nurse practitioner who said it wasn't a lump as such and I just have a lumpy breast. She said I can go back for a recheck to put my mind more at rest if I wish. I was reassured for a very short time but doubts are boggling at me and the usual what ifs, what if she hasn't felt what I can, what if she's wrong. I know I'm going to have to go back but don't know when I can get another appointment. I'm currently on 20mg of citalopram and having therapy to deal with a boat full of issues. I'm petrifying myself and have found I'm posting more and more on here. I'm 35 years old xx

13-04-17, 18:47
Many women have what is called "lumpy breasts" You have been checked by a medical professional and they have told you that everything is fine. Posting here can help and give you support. You should tell your doctor that you are still having obsessive thoughts and get help with that.

13-04-17, 22:51
It's literally consuming me at the minute and really upsetting me. I just want to be ok. I have a feeling of impending doom and mistrust of diagnoses. I'm so scared right now x

14-04-17, 02:42
I have gone through something quite similar about 5 years ago, it's actually what started my health anxiety. I have lumpy breasts along with fibrocystic breast disease. I too questioned the nurse practioner and thought everything you are because that's what we do right ... I did end up going to get it checked again because it was eating me up inside but i learned that they really know and I have to try and trust this ... a nurse practioner or doctor most times feel the shape and know just by that if it's just a lump or some thing more!

14-04-17, 07:54
Hi HopelessWorrier, I know how you feel. 6 months ago I also found a lump in my breast, additionally I sufeered from pain under my armpit, and I had a history of this disease in my family. I went to my GP, and as expected, she found nothing, but to reassure me I was sent to a specialistic clinic. There I was tested by a nurse practicioner who also concluded that my breasts are healthy, and it's a cyst. I didn't take the nurse's word for it, and I had a consult with a surgeon as well as a mammography. And guess what? Mammography showed that the nurse was right- it was just a water cyst. This was also confirmed by a surgeon.

I learned from those experience that you don't need to freak out at every small lump. Just know your body and observe the changes. Breast cancer does not appear overnight :-) Also, you should know that those water filled cysts appear and dissapear responding to normal hormonal changes in your body. If you were checked by a professional, trust them! I cross my fingers and hope you'll feel better soon!

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14-04-17, 09:44
Thank you very much for your responses it's good to know I'm not alone in my fears although I'm truly sorry you have had to go through the same anguish. I'm trying to keep my anxiousness down as it zaps my appetite and I need to put on some weight I then think it's due to illness that I can't eat which fuels my anxiety. It's an awful vicious circle x