View Full Version : scared its lung cancer

13-04-17, 19:46
ive had a cough for six and a half weeks now it wont go im wheezing on a night my dr gave me antibiotics for a chest infection two weeks ago id did nothing i have no weight loss appetite loss and Thank God have not coughed up blood ive tried everything over the counter i had a clear chest x ray in nov but im scared ive got Lung cancer my Mum died of it she smoked i never have scared any advice anyone:weep:

13-04-17, 20:02
Everyone in my house is just getting over bronchitis. Doctor said it gets worse before better and also the cough can linger for weeks to even months.

13-04-17, 20:11
I have had this problem since Sept. Each time I pick up a bug, I end up wheezing and with a cough that won't go away. Antibiotics won't do anything for that. I have been prescribed steroids, and that is what helped re-open my bronchial tubes and stopped the wheezing and cough. G/L

13-04-17, 22:10
I had a type of bronchial virus back in November last year and it was very similar to having whooping cough- i have never had as bad a cough or chest. As it was viral antibiotics would not help, quite a few of my friends were given them and they had no effect at all. It was about 8 weeks before my cough went and I know others who were 12 weeks.
If your x ray was fine then its not infection. Lung cancer advanced enough to give symptoms almost always shows up even on xray.

13-04-17, 22:10
Ive had a dry and productive cough since January and its still here waking me at night. Had a clear chest xray and now going for lung function tests.

You not the only one so dont feel alone,lets hope we get to the root of this stipud cough!!

13-04-17, 23:30
Oh will add.....

I needed to get a CT of my lungs for an unrelated problem- they suspected a blood clot. I will not lie, I was expecting the CT to show lung cancer since I have bad wheezing and persistent cough at least 3 times since fall, But, nope, lungs are fine!

14-04-17, 01:04
Can I just jump in and ask if they send for a scan for a chest infection? My mum text me tonight and said my dad had been to the docs because he has had a terrible cough and a wheezy chest for a few weeks. The doctor gave him antibiotics and an inhaler and is sending him for a scan soon. He is a heavy smoker and I'm scared it's the big C. Do they normally send people for a scan for chest infections, I've been crying and in a massive panic since she told me 2 hours ago :(

14-04-17, 02:03
Can I just jump in and ask if they send for a scan for a chest infection? My mum text me tonight and said my dad had been to the docs because he has had a terrible cough and a wheezy chest for a few weeks. The doctor gave him antibiotics and an inhaler and is sending him for a scan soon. He is a heavy smoker and I'm scared it's the big C. Do they normally send people for a scan for chest infections, I've been crying and in a massive panic since she told me 2 hours ago :(

I am not sure. I know when I had the same symptoms, they sent me for an xray. Maybe they decided a scan was warranted given his smoking history?

I'm sorry you're panicked. I don't know how to help you through that. Smoking history, obviously, is worrisome. The fact is, you don't know why they sent him for the scan, so what you're doing now is imagining things. It's not easy to turn that off but remind yourself it's not real right now.

14-04-17, 16:18
mamacass they can be checking for asthma copd bronchial inflammation all sorts covering all bases as hes a smoker im just terrified cos my Mum had lung cancer xwish i was good at taking my own advice hun i hate HA