View Full Version : Fear of dying hair

13-04-17, 20:59
Hi all,

First post here so a little bit of background. I have been working through general anxiety issues for about a yr now. Seemed to be triggered after a long period of illness. Made so much progress over the last year through a combo of medication (30mg citalopram & 10mg propranolol) and CBT but still seem to have major issues over trying to dye my hair.

Before the anxiety it's didn't seem to be much of an issue but since i am terrified I'm going to take an allergic reaction and die. I know it sounds silly but it's what my brain jumps to!

A couple of months ago my mum helped me do it and i felt so faint during it and afterwards had to lie down as i felt I'll. CBT suggested building up to it. So i tried spray in dye last month and although i was nervous i got over it and was fine :D

But i know spray is different, so tonight i tried to do a patch test with nice&easy demi permanent (only on hair for 15m wooop!!) But i must have had it on the back of my elbow for 5mins tops and i had to wash it off cause i was worried, then a while after sitting on the couch i got this wave of feeling ill but i know its probably just the anxiety :(

Does anyone else get like this? Feel like such an idiot. Just want to dye it bk to normal brunette has i have faded out reddish/purple colour on the go just now and this should not be such a big deal....But someone tell my brain that ;(

10-05-17, 07:48
i hear about this phobia in first time

15-05-17, 20:49
I had this same phobia too about 6 years ago. and for the same exact reason of having a reaction to it. I decided to dye it a few times even with my anxiety and realized nothing happened to me. After that I was fine, but I know this isn't the same for everyone.

18-05-17, 10:34
Hi all,

Thanks for your replies. Almamatters, can you recommend a wash in wash out? maybe I'm aiming too high with semi-perm, cause i think that can last up to 20 washes.

I think as well the last time i tried this my mood was generally low which didn't help. So next time will try and do it when i'm feeling a bit better, rather than a particularly bad day :)


19-05-17, 12:28
Hey Luna,

You might be interested in using more natural wash out hair dyes - the ones sold at health stores have a lot less chemicals and whatnot, could be a good way to ease yourself into things :) you can also dye your hair darker using coffee, or red using beetroot. These methods only last a week or two, there are lots of recipes on the internet.