View Full Version : Chest pains and dizziness

13-04-17, 21:12
Hi, My symptoms started about two months ago. A little chest pains and feelings of skipped heart beat, they did a ct scan very minimal artery disease. About a month after that still chest pain skipped heart beats and then constant racing heart. been to the E.R multiple time, plenty of EKG's echo and they tell me its anxiety. I don't understand and I'm getting scared. I am now in bed all day, I have pains all over dizzy all the time and some times I have this intense feeling that I'm going to pass out, I get very queasy. I get scared to sleep, I sleep for a few hours and then wake up with my heart racing. I feel so sick like I'm dying.
Any one else feel the same.

01-05-17, 02:40
Yes omg.. I've been suffering for 2 days with dizziness.. where I was holding onto the walls yesterday to go to the bathroom.. nausea sometimes too.. I get vision weirdness too like my eyes are seeing extreme detail with light, shadows etc.. It's so werid.. N I'm not in a panic attack.. I'm laying in bed.. I get the panic attacks after these symptoms bc I'm afraid I'm dieing.. I could swear on my life I'm gonna black out but never have.. I take my blood pressure sometimes 5x or more a day to make sure I'm not gonna faint.. I don't get chest pain.. But I get heart palps.. shortness of breath..shaky all day especially in the morning.. I don't know if ur a girl but I get really bad anxiety symptoms around that time of the month it's horrible .. I'm de aling with that now

02-05-17, 13:42
Hi, My symptoms started about two months ago. A little chest pains and feelings of skipped heart beat, they did a ct scan very minimal artery disease. About a month after that still chest pain skipped heart beats and then constant racing heart. been to the E.R multiple time, plenty of EKG's echo and they tell me its anxiety. I don't understand and I'm getting scared. I am now in bed all day, I have pains all over dizzy all the time and some times I have this intense feeling that I'm going to pass out, I get very queasy. I get scared to sleep, I sleep for a few hours and then wake up with my heart racing. I feel so sick like I'm dying.
Any one else feel the same.

I've had all of the above, to the point that I was in the emergency room multiple times and saw a Cardiologist who ran a battery of tests. Overall, everything is fine. If your doctor didn't stress too much about what minimal issue that you have, I wouldn't fret -- it's probably anxiety. I'd bet on it.

What I think what happens is that the anxiety manifests physically in ways and then snowballs. So you may have chest tension from tight muscles, which then rolls into difficulty breathing because your ribs cannot expand as needed to breathe, which then snowballs into heart palpitations as the anxiety grows, which then snowballs into dizziness because you feel you cannot breathe adequately and all of the other symptoms are just attacking you simultaneously.

Trust me, I've been there. Your best bet is medication if you haven't been on it already to help cope with the anxiety. A benzo like Xanax is fantastic in the beginning to help deal with these symptoms, as long-term medications like Prozac take time to take effect, to the tune of weeks!

What also really helped me was getting massages. My insurance actually covered them! These helped with the muscle tension in my chest that I'd get from anxiety, which would hinder my breathing a bit at times and snowball the anxiety into more anxiety. Plus it was just a relaxing experience... I miss those massages. If you cannot afford a massage or insurance doesn't cover it, look into buying a foam roller off of Amazon or at a sporting goods store. These allow you to "self massage" out knots, tight muscles, increase mobility, etc. Check out this article I wrote about them: http://anxietypress.com/index.php/2017/04/13/equipment-foam-roller-the-must-have-tool-for-rehab-flexibility-and-mobility/ They're actually not too expensive and are very beneficial and highly regarded by other professionals around the globe.