View Full Version : Hoping to be a non-anxious person one day

13-04-17, 22:03
Hi all,

So glad I found this forum, been reading some of the threads over the last few days before joining just now (was trying to find information on throat related anxiety issues, which I'm currently suffering from!).

Just to introduce myself, I'm a 36 year old woman from the UK. I've had anxiety issues ever since childhood although I didn't recognise them for what they are until last year, when my anxiety really got in the way of my day to day life. I'm self employed and thanks to anxiety about various things, I began to lose confidence in myself and my job. I ended up telling over half my clients I was taking a break (and am now struggling to find work).

At the moment, I'm struggling with health anxiety and am currently undergoing tests at the doctors for throat issues (swollen glands for three weeks, trouble swallowing, feels like I'm being strangled!). Trying not to think the worse, but it's hard.

When it's not health or work anxiety, it's something else - once one problem is out of the way, it's like I'm on countdown for the next thing to go wrong. I can't help thinking "what if" about everything.

I am actually really happy with my life (when I can cope with things!). I love my husband, my daughter and my work but my anxiety gets in the way so much. I just want to be more positive and not see the worst in everything before anything bad has happened.

I have been to the doctors about my anxiety but so far have refused medication as I'm worried (of course!) about getting addicted. I am about to start cognitive behavioural therapy which I'm hoping will help.

Anyway, that's me! Looking forward to reading more of the threads and feel a bit happier already knowing that I'm not alone.

13-04-17, 22:09
Hiya Hayjay and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: