View Full Version : Eyes wobbling

29-04-07, 16:24
New symptom for me here....wonder who else gets it...

Sometimes I feel like I'm looking at something and someone is wobbling my eyes left to right quickly and it's horrible and brings on a headache at the front of my head :(

I dont like this one bit especially if I'm feeling dizzy at the same time :(

29-04-07, 16:53

I know exactly what you're describing. I do have it from time to time - in fact I've had it the last couple of days. It seems to coincide with times of high anxiety and tension headaches.

29-04-07, 16:57
Ah it's totally totally horrible. I was in a showroom with my dad looking at a new car for him and I just wanted to go home as they just kept wobbling and giving me a headache.

Then again today outside watching my friend clean his car I thought oh not this again, I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the propanolol I'm on now from the docs.

30-04-07, 11:51
Yes, I get the wobbly eyes thing whenever I try to focus on anything for long - eg reading, watching telly, at the computer. I am much more dizzy at those times too. I don't understand why it is anxiety related - the little muscles in the eyes are tense even???? i find it gets worse and worse as the day goes on too.

30-04-07, 16:00
i just came onto the forum just now to post about the wobbily eye thing, as i have been having it for over a week now and was wondering what on earth was wrong with me! then came accross this post and realised im not the only one, so its not something physically wrong with me! just another panic symptom to add to the list! lol. i hate the wobbily eyes thoough because i think its gonna end up with me having a fit or sumthing, it realy scares me. i also have a problem with lights, if one is flickerin or too bright my eyes start doing the weird thing they do, anyone else get that??

30-04-07, 20:32
hi there
response to last posting
It certainly sounds like the same mechanism at work - artificial bright lights in shops and overstimulation of colours seems to make me dizzy. Cinema screen too. too overstimulating for our already challenged nervous systems?

01-05-07, 16:48
hi just thought i would post on here as its the same problem....today my eyes were drating about everywhere, i realy freaked out which lead to a complete panic attack, the eyes are still doing it now, i had to call my friend to come over and i sobbed so hard i felt like a baby, she held me and hugged me till i calmed down which too over an hour to do so, very emotional day for me, i never cry infront of anyone but i couldnt take it anymore, i felt so bad i just wanted to sleep and never wake again, i thank god for my friend as she is a total star and the only one who can relax me. when will this eye thing stop? i cant take it much longer, i need my anti'ds but cant see y doc till the 11th!!! dotn know if i can wait that long.xxx.

01-05-07, 18:44
Hi there
If the eye thing is anxiety (and let's just say it is for arguments sake) I had it about 10 years ago along with constant dizziness. In between times it went away completely and has never come back until now. If it was anxiety 10 years ago then I never knew that, so when it came back I totally freaked it was some kind of progressive neurological disease (but MRI says it's not).

So please hang in there - it will pass, but the more anxious we are the worse our physical symptoms get and they scare us. I am sorry you have this denise, it is not very nice and I am with you on it

01-05-07, 20:53
thank you for your kind words and just hearing that it will pass and its another symptom helps so much, kinda eases it....strange huh? lol. xx.