View Full Version : High fever and scared

14-04-17, 03:13
My fever is 102.2 right now, and I'm scared. I can't remember the last time I had a fever above 100.3. My big phobia is the flu. I just spoke to my doctor by video phone (who also has a PhD in infectious disease which I didn't know), and she did not seem at all concerned about the fever. She also said she doubts it's the flu since it's not flu season anymore where we live. She said either way it doesn't matter since I just have to wait it out for viral. She said I could come in tomorrow for a strep swab, but I really don't think this is strep (since I used to get strep at the drop of a hat years ago and always presented the exact same way - with a horrible stomachache and no sore throat). Anyway, I hear myself freaking out, stating what the doctor said, yet still seeking reassurance.

If it matters, my symptoms started last night with a horrible sore throat and a minor fever of 100.3. I couldn't sleep last night b/c of the sore throat and because my nose started getting very congested. This morning sore throat was still there but much improved. I blew a lot out of my nose this morning (sorry TMI). I took advil this morning for some very minor body aches with a fever of 100.9. I felt yucky today but not horrible - mostly tired from not sleeping and mostly uncomfortable in my nose. Tonight I crawled into bed because I had a headache, took my temp and it was 102.2 which shocked me. I took advil about 30mins ago, and my fever has only come down to 101.5. I do not have any major body aches or chills. My nose is mainly bothering me. I can't take sudafed btw for cardiac reasons.

I wish I wasn't such a baby about a fever, but I'm kind of stressing out.

14-04-17, 03:31
Freaking out can raise your body temperature so calm down. It sounds like some kind of viral sinus infection. It sucks but you'll be ok.