View Full Version : Lymph node location and name

14-04-17, 03:18
So i found 4 lymph nodes i assumed to be supracalvicular nodes, after seeing the doctor and being schelduled for a ultrasound i noticed she said palpable nodes in supracalvicular area, once i had the ultrasound and went back for a follow up i seen a different Doctor who told me they aren't the supracalvicular lymph nodes, she said the supracalvicular nodes sits in the hollow between your neck and collarbone. Mine are either supracalvicular lymph nodes, or they are at the very bottom of the posterior triangle, they do not sit in the hollow, they are on the side of my neck right above the hollow, when standing with my arms down they are above my collarbone at the lower part of my neck. According to ultrasound it states supracalvicular area but it doesn't say that it is the supracalvicular nodes, from my understanding tue supracalvicular nodes are embedded in the hollow not on the side of the neck, so that means theres a line between posterior triangle and supracalvicular nodes and my palpable nodes must be right on that line. The ultrasound showed 1.1 cm x 0.8 cm and below on the base of the neck, and a 1.9 cm node i believe under the chin which os the saliva gland which im told is bigger than other nodes in the neck anyway. This brings me alot of concern and anxiety because they link the supracalvicular nodes to lung cancer and stomach cancer.

bin tenn
14-04-17, 04:19
What has the doc said? Any concerns? The sizes mentioned are very small, not swollen, as far as I know (I'm not medically educated).

14-04-17, 06:42
No the doctor wasn't concerned, sje wouldn't even let me get a biopsy when i ask for one

Gary A
14-04-17, 09:10
No the doctor wasn't concerned, sje wouldn't even let me get a biopsy when i ask for one

Well then what's the problem?

You've posted a load of stuff about lymph nodes in particular areas yet your doctor has confirmed that none of your lymph nodes are of any concern whatsoever.

Given that, why is it that you seem to be trying to find problems? Asking for biopsy when one is not required, googling non stop scare stories and now this?

Cant you see that you're doing this to yourself?

14-04-17, 09:38
Your entire post reeks of someone who's spent too long on the Internet, Googling heavy medical sites aimed at trained medics. Seriously, if you've not completed medical school you're not even close to being qualified to use half the words you use and assumptions you've made there.

You know who is qualified? Your doctor, who knows a dodgy lymph node a mile off. It's bordering on arrogance that you think a bit of Googling makes you better at diagnosing lymphatic cancers than medical professionals.

14-04-17, 13:38
Seriously. It's starting to get offensive to your doctors.

I don't know if it'll make you feel better or not, but reading your post I went for a feel near that area, and found two quite palpable nodes on both sides.


14-04-17, 13:56
Trust your Doctor! I know easier said than done! I am still trying not to freak out and mess with what I think may be 2 nodes in my hairline on the back of my neck! They are pretty small and I honestly thought at first they were tiny muscle knots because my neck hurts often when I turn it to the side and the pain radiates to a muscle near my shoulder but the tiny bumps don't hurt so I have no idea lol!!!! But I felt the place you are talking about and I can for sure feel those! So I think you are good!

14-04-17, 20:28
I have, what seems like a 1.5cm lymphnode in my cervical region on the right side. My doctor and ENT haven't seemed overly concerned and I have a ultrasound booked for the 25th. Mine is larger than yours and yet my doctors haven't been that concerned. So my question is, what reason do you have to worry? You're had an ultrasound, it was fine. I assume you've had a bloodtest, also fine.

Why do you worry? There is no reason to worry! You've gone through all the checks, thats it, it's over! All clear!

Look, it's upsetting to see someone worry like this. I've done this for months and it so sad to let an irrational fear ruin your every waking moment. You've had ALL the checks, what reason do you have to worry? please tell me because I don't know. Dr Google is not a doctor, your doctors are your doctors.

Horror stories of misdiagnosis are rare, which is why they made their way online for you to read. Stop reading them! I hope you don't have a good memory otherwise you'll end up like me remembering them and forming unnecessary knots in the pit of my stomach with the anxiety.

When will you let this go?

15-04-17, 04:42
I confess I had to read your OP more than once to understand what you were querying.

Your focus in the wrong place here. If two doctors say they can't feel anything irregular, unless they told you the names of the areas you wouldn't be entertaining their lack of competence (since we would expect them to agree on it, one has to be wrong).

But no matter which is wrong, the other is right AND both have agreed with each other that the lymph nodes in question are fine.

Anxiety always looks for weaknesses. In recovery I learned about Cognitive Distortions, of which we all show throughout our posts. One is All-or-nothing thinking (also known as black & white thinking or dichotomous reasoning) and this is where we are striving for a Yes or a No and can't accept grey areas.

But life is full of questions that don't have these answers. We need to learn to accept this and until you do, your anxiety will look at the crack and drive a great big wedge in it and voila! obsession & panic.

You wanted a biopsy. But anxiety can quite easily then say "but biopsies might not be right", " what if the person did it wrong or got the wrong area", "what if the lab techs tested it wrong", etc. It can head into more paranoid ones such as "what if someone got the labels mixed up" or even, and I've seen this very one on here more than once "what if someone working their maliciously changed them".

You can rationalise every question it tries but you also have to learn to accept the answer to move forward.

The problem solving part of the brain is engaged far too much in anxiety and it likes Yes & No answers as they are simple. Where it can't get them, it keeps searching for answers or possible things to deal with.

I've learnt through Mindfulness how we have to break free from this and rebalance our thinking so that we engage more naturally in a state of the present. I'm still working on it though...

15-04-17, 08:00
I'm letting it go a little more each day, I don't worry as much as before but it still stays on my mind. Like earlier today I felt of it because I felt some slight discomfort near the node so I was making sure the node itself wasn't hurting, and it felt bigger than it was months ago, but I had to remind myself there's no way to know the size by just feeling of it. I think it felt bigger because I had my neck stretched and I was using 2 fingers rather than using 1 finger like usual.

15-04-17, 23:49
Well after doing some more research, the supraclavicular lymph nodes seem to be more towards the front of the neck right where the collarbone begins so if this is the case mine are not those nodes because mine are located near the shoulder muscle called the strap muscle I believe one of the nodes sit right beside that muscle on the side of the neck.

16-04-17, 00:25
Wow... you're really in a spiral.

All I say is I wish you well and hope you seek the help you so desperately need.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

16-04-17, 03:29
Well after doing some more research, the supraclavicular lymph nodes seem to be more towards the front of the neck right where the collarbone begins so if this is the case mine are not those nodes because mine are located near the shoulder muscle called the strap muscle I believe one of the nodes sit right beside that muscle on the side of the neck.

And regardless of the name - both doctors agree with each other that they are fine.

What is driving you to keep looking? How do you feel afterwards?